Welcome to my blog!

My blog is personal. It's real. It's about me. It's about life's struggles. It's about amazing grace. Relentless hope. Second Chances. True Recovery. It's my journey. Thanks for joining me!


june 19

it's worth repeating that "a man's wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense."

I am always so challenged by the book of Proverbs. I don't know what your life pursuits and goals are, but one of mine is to "get wisdom"! I want to always be growing in my knowledge of God and continue to become wiser in His ways. Every day, I try to read a chapter to go along with that day of the month. So today, I am in Proverbs 19, and as usual, several verses jumped out at me, but especially this one.

There is no doubt that if there is a formula for patience, I want it. So if wisdom will bring me patience, then I want more wisdom to get more patience. Really, what this is saying is the more we understand ourselves and our own tendencies to sin, the more patience we can have toward others and even ourselves. Even God is patient with us, because He doesn't want any of us to perish, but ALL of us to come to repentance!! Do you find yourself lacking patience with your own growth or with those around you? Get wisdom from God in His word. And be honest with yourself...you need people to be patient with you, so give them the same grace.

When we realize that we can be more patient with others, we will then do something awesome. We will offer grace and forgiveness, instead of judgment and anger. We will overlook offenses in other people's lives. We will not hold every "wrongdoing" and hurt against those we love. This is to YOUR glory if you can overlook an offense. Honestly, it is so rare to see someone just let something go, that people will take notice when you do!! And then, God also will get glory. (Matthew 5:16)

After all, who doesn't wish sometimes that people could overlook the mistakes we make and not keep a log book of our wrongs? I know I wish for that!



may 29

it's worth repeating that "sometimes I'm the only person who knows whether I'm being honest or not."

I once heard the word "character" defined as "who you are when no one's looking." And then there is your reputation, or what others believe to be true about you based on your actions and reactions in given circumstances.

The truth is some people have a certain reputation of being honest, godly, compassionate...but when their character is evaluated, a very different person is discovered.

We have gotten so used to "playing the game" of looking like a Christian that we forget that really being a Christian is really not about the outer life at all, but about the inner life--our minds, spirits, and hearts, which would encompass our thoughts, attitudes, and motives.

If we find ourselves on a Sunday morning dressed in our Sunday best, giving our tithes, singing spiritual songs, bringing praise and worship to God....but then Monday morning, have no problem telling a lie to our boss about why our project wasn't completed on time, then something is wrong!!

We may think we have everyone fooled, but the truth of the matter is that God calls us to honesty, even when it means we have to incriminate ourselves....

Besides, there is peace when we are in right standing with God, and when we don't have to pretend to be something that we really aren't... honestly!



may 20

it's worth repeating that, "When you commit your life to Christ He will change you."

I know this seems like a simple, no-brainer statement. But I want to show you what many Christians believe to be true: When you commit your life to Christ, you will have to change yourself. Hello?

The truth is that many Christians believe they are saved by grace, not works...but then they believe they must work really hard after that to remain in Christ.

I am so thankful that God still gives grace each and every day to cover each and every sin.

In all honesty, we could never have enough willpower to change ourselves. Our hearts are too deceitful. Our minds too stubborn. But when Christ gets a hold of us...He begins to change us through the "washing of His Word", and He puts a new heart and spirit within us.

As you read God's Word, you will see things in your life that you know need to be changed. All you really have to do is open the door by confessing and be willing to change as you receive God's Word to be true and apply it your life.

I know it sounds simple... that's the best part!



may 19

it's worth repeating that "one of the biggest mistakes parents make is overreacting."

Parenting is one of the HARDEST, if not THE hardest, jobs in the world. Don't get me wrong...it is not a job that I want to quit, or one that I never applied for. I wanted to be a mom very early in life. I always loved babies...however, those babies were either baby DOLLS or little tiny newborns that weren't able to test my patience to the nth degree.

These days, I still love being a mommy. There are days that challenge the very core of my patience, but I still would not trade one moment (or one of my kids) for a "better" life.

With the first baby, Annie, I was so careful with all the sanitizing, cleaning, special laundry detergent, special baby soap, etc... I worried if she wasn't sleeping enough and if she was sleeping too much. I wondered if I was a good mommy almost every day.

With the other two, I learned that children have a great resilience to just about everything...germs, boo-boos, and their siblings..ha!

One of my prayers with all my children is that I can raise them in a way that would please the Lord. And one of the ways I know I can do that is to know what God's Word says about raising children. Seriously. IT sounds simple, but check it out sometime. How does God say we should parent our children?

Ephesians 6:4 is a great place to start: "Provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." I see three things here: First, don't purposely make your kids despise you or despise discipline and authority by not being self-controlled. Second, nurture your children with love and encouragement. Third, help your children develop a godly character through intentional, consistent discipline.

All three of these guidelines will take great patience, self-control, and LOTS of prayer...

And I will pray for you...will you pray for me, too??



May 8

It's worth repeating that we should never "settle for less than a living, breathing, walking, talking relationship with the King of Kings Himself, when it's part of our inheritance"

There have been times in my journey with Christ that I have read John 10:10 about how CHrist came to give us abundant life--life to the fullest, and I have thought to myself..."My life doesn't seem so abundant...so why is God not making my life abundant?"

After questioning God about why He has caused my life to be a struggle instead of a success, a headache instead of a happy adventure...I realized my life was not so abundant because of me...not God.

I had settled for serving God...doing the ministry...working for Jesus...and not having a vibrant relationship with Him!  It became a job to serve the Lord, instead of a joy that flowed out of my relationship with Him...

Have you settled on just being a churchgoer?  Just working for the Lord, but not walking in a close relationship with Him?  Then life may feel like a drudgery to you as well...

Breathe a breath of fresh air today...and start to pursue a "living, breathing, walking, talking relationship with the King of Kings"...after all, that is what Christ died for...so you could have an abundant life!



may 5

it's worth repeating that "I must pray what is in me, not what I wish was in me."

Have you ever taken a good look at your prayer life and wished it was so much better? have you seen other Christ-followers who just seem to have a connection to the Father through prayer, and wonder how they go there. Maybe you are discouraged about your prayer time with God.

When I was growing up, our Pastor would invite one of the board members to come to th pulpit and pray every week for the offering and other needs of the church body. Most of these men had an extensive "spiritual" vocabulary, and the thought would go through my head that they were the most Christian people I knew. They really knew how to pray.

But then I would hear someone pray a simple prayer...a child praying for the salvation of a family member, a newer believer just spilling out their feelings, a teenager just saying it like it is to God....and I knew their prayers were sincere too.

There have been many times I have felt that if I could just pray better, maybe God would pay more attention. Or if I woldn't getg so dstiracted while I'm praying, maybe I could get the point across to God. Or if I could just make sure to have a set time to pray everyday, I could establish shuch an intimate connection with the Father.

But the greatest lesson I ever learned came from God's Word..."In everything, by prayer...make your requests to God." I can about at any time, in any place, about anything. I can pray when my kids aren't getting along, and when there's not enough in the bank account to cover the bill that just arrived. I can pray when I'm in a bad mood, or when I am even disappointed or disillusioned with God's plan for my life. And....I can be honest with God...completely real. I don't have to be anything I'm not...

Just talk to the Father today...in everything.



may 2

it's worth repeating that "others can wound you, but no one can destroy you without your permission and cooperation."

probably everyone that will read this blog has been hurt by somebody at sometime. it may have even been someone you trusted completely. i can think of a few times that i was completely blindsided by a friend and it hurt me terribly. there have also been times i just felt wronged, and it hurt me to the core.

if we're not careful, we can drown in our hurts and unforgiveness, and turn into someone we don't even recognize anymore.

when i was first starting out in ministry, i felt like i had to defend myself against every single hurtful thing people said about me. i would get depressed for days because someone didn't like me or approve of me... i haven't been completely delivered from my "approval addiction", but it is much better than it was... God is my defender... and He can do a much better job defending me than I can do myself. Often, I just dig myself in a deeper hole when I open my mouth. So, I thank God that He goes before me and behind me.

Forgetting the hurts of the past is not easy... and there are times my mind wants to go back there, but I can't even give those thoughts a foothold, or else I will get stuck there. In those moments, I ask God to wash my mind again in His Word, and help me to see His goodness with with my eyes...

Have you been hurt? It probably won't be the last time... But the next time, you don't have to let it control you. You can choose to forgive, let God be your defender, and rest in the fact that He has your best interests at heart..



april 28

it's worth repeating that , "if you think taking care of yourself physically isn't "spiritual", think again!"

I love it when people go to McDonald's, Wendy's, Arby's, Taco Bell, etc... and order a huge, fat-laden meal, supersize it, then proceed to order a DIET coke!! Haha!! If you are one of those people, don't be offended, I just find it amusing.

It is sad that often times it takes a MAJOR wake-up call--stroke, heart attack, cancer, diabetes--to cause someone to start to take care of themselves. If we would treat our bodies with respect out of respect to our Heavenly Father, we may be able to avoid these horrible diagnoses. Now there are some cases where someone is just given a terrible prognosis, and they have taken extremely good care of themselves...but this is not rule..it's the exception.

Okay, so where does this get spiritual?? God has called each of us to a purpose, something He designed us to do for His glory to be revealed through us. If we are "sick", tired all the time, and weak...How can we fulfill His purpose for us??

Today, decide to not put yourself on the bench in this game of life by taking poor care of yourself. Be healthy...body, mind, and soul...in Jesus, and for the Kingdom of God...



april 22

it's worth repeating that "if you're not spending time with God, you're spending it on whatever has become more important to you than Him."

I have heard many people say that they just don't have enough time to be able to pray and read the Word. There were many days as a young mom I didn't think I would ever get back to a daily time of prayer and Bible reading. Someone encouraged me to do a time inventory. Keep track of what I do with every minute of my day...

I am a busy person with many responsibilities and three "needy" children. However, i saw in that time inventory that were some time-stealers in my life that, if better managed, would open the door for me to have that daily time of prayer and Bible study, even a time of meditation and solace.

One of my biggest time-stealers was the internet. I would justify it by saying that I am doing "ministry work" by keeping up relationships, researching for sermons, finding new ministry ideas...etc... When it came down to it though, I KNEW I needed my time in prayer and the Word MUCH more than I needed time on the Web...

I don't know what your time-stealers are, but whatever is keeping you from spending time with God is also zapping life from you, because there is no life apart from Him...



april 21

it's worth repeating that "attitude determines whether you see life through the eyes of faith or the the lens of fear."

I have always tried to teach Annie, my 7 year old daughter, to not say "I can't". Annie can get pretty frustrated when she tried to do something and it's not working out. She often will start to cry and just say, "I just can't do it!"

Maybe you can relate...I know I can! In my life, I have been presented with opportunities, some bigger than others, but all great opportunities to show the glory of God in my life. Sometimes I find myself jumping up and down inside saying, "Bring it on!" and then other times, usually when the opportunity is something I have never tried before, I feel my spirit-man shrink back in fear, and saying "I just don't think I can do it."

When I feel myself giving into the voice of fear, I know there is only one place to turn....the Word of God! I love to read the narratives in the Bible of ordinary people doing extraordinary things because of the power of God! Some of my favorites are Elijah and Elisha, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, Daniel, and the apostle Paul....of course my favorite character in the Bible is Jesus! As I begin to read how God used these men, protected these men, showed his glory and power through these men, my spirit-man starts to rise up again and say, "With God's help, we can take this hill!" I force myself to remove the lenses of fear that are covering over my eyes of faith... I choose to see what God wants me to see!

Do you find yourself basically just scared of life, scared to be used by God, scared to say yes to what the Lord is asking you to do? Feed your spirit today from God's Word, and remember "It's not by might, nor by power, but by MY spirit", says the Lord.



april 20

it's worth repeating that "when it comes to understanding things, we have our territory, God has his."

In life, it's just as good to know what you can't do as knowing what you can do. One of the limitations we all have is our understanding. I don't always understand the move of God, the purposes of God, the discipline of God, or even the love of God. In all honesty, there are some things about God that I just can't understand.

I can't understand why God loves me. I can't understand why God shows so much grace. I can't understand why God doesn't instantly kill anyone that hurts a child. I can't understand why God would want to have a personal relationship with me instead of treating me like a slave or subject. I can't understand why God gave His son to die for people who spit in his face.

It's very good that God is God and I am not. After all, God has unlimited love, grace, patience, care, compassion.... much more than I ever will.

There are times I really wish I could understand more than I do. When a close friend shares with me a deep hurt, or a situation he or she is in, and I feel at a loss for words...I hate that. I wish I had the right words, the perfect prayer, the SOLUTION for them. It is in those times, I have to rely on the fact the the Lord understands, and I just need to show love....

It's okay that you don't understand everything....you can lean on a God who does!!



april 15--TAX DAY

it's worth repeating that "anger handled the right way doesn't have to destroy."

Speaking of anger, have you ever looked at how much money we pay the government and get angry...just a sidenote...haha!

Anger is one of the strongest emotions a human being can feel. It is right up there with fear. And if we're not careful, our anger can control us, instead of us controlling our anger. I have been VERY angry before, even for right reasons, but because of the way I handled my anger, I didn't end up looking very righteous.

At the beginning of the devotional today, it gives a great analogy of two forceful personalities in a relationship being like two rivers flowing into one...that would describe my marriage! Some people marry their opposite...opposite temperament, opposite spending style, etc... Matt and I are very similar, and we are both strong personalities...if you are nodding your head right now, then you know what I am talking about.

In the early years of our marriage, as we were trying to become one as a married couple, we had many clashes of our own. There were some smaller rumbles, and then there were some severe thunderstorm warnings. Over the years, we have had to learn many lessons in communication, servant leadership, selfless love...

And one of the most important things we have had to learn is to be honest with each other about our anger, our frustrations, our hurts...so that they don't take root into our marriage and turn into resentment, and bitterness...

In every relationship, there will be opportunities to get angry....and there will also be opportunities to then forgive, and find peace again... Take the high road!



april 13

it's worth repeating that "no matter how bad things may appear to be, when you set your eyes on Jesus, He will fill you with hope."

Yesterday in our Easter service we announced the new name for our church body, Journey Church.  It is our belief that God has placed Journey church right where it is to help guide people from where they are in their life right now to hope in Jesus Christ. 

There are all different kinds of people on the road of life:  busy people that look important but are really wondering what their true purpose is, hurting people who are just wishing for one day without feeling emotional pain, depressed people who just long to see a glimmer of sunshine in thier life, empty people who would do anything to stop feeling lonely...

Jesus wants to seek out and save all those who are lost... lost in sin, lost in confusion, lost in busyness, lost and wandering...

Only Jesus can bring true hope to people.... a lasting peace... an eternal joy... but we have to have the eyes of our hearts opened to see who really is and what He can really offer...

Today, if you are struggling to feel any sense of hope... make your mind, soul, eyes, and heart focus on Jesus and only Jesus... even if the circumstances don't change...your perspective will!



april 11

it's worth repeating that "Jesus conquered death!"

That is worth repeating to ourselves and everyone around us everyday!

No one that I have ever met is excited about dying...I HATE funerals! I HATE funeral homes! But just like Jesus, that is not our end, if we become a disciple of Jesus, the Christ! His resurrection guarantees our resurrection.

And all the anti-aging products that we use this side of heaven will only do us so much good. Even I use an anti-aging facial wash and moisturizer...haha! We all want to turn back the hands of time...but God will wipe out time, and wrinkles, and backaches, and headaches, and sickness, and disease, and depression, and despair, and DEATH!

What a hope we have...let's not keep it all bottled up and packaged..let's share it...TODAY, before it's too late...



april 9

it's worth repeating that "they (those who need salvation) will be forever grateful you took the time and made the effort to introduce them to Jesus."

Sometimes I think that if I tell someone about Jesus, they will just get offended and write me off as a religious fanatic. However, I know what my life would have been like without Jesus, so I also know that once that certain someone understands who Jesus is, and what He did for them, and how He can change their whole life around....then they will be thankful that I didn't keep my mouth shut to avoid rejection or embarrassment.

This weekend, many of us will see family members that need to know about Jesus more than they need an Easter Egg hunt, a ham and potatoes meal, or even to hear about all the latest family updates. They need to hear you talk about Jesus...who He is and what He's done in your life...

But, you will have to open your mouth and share.... I dare you!



april 6

it's worth repeating that "confessing your sins...restores your emotional and physical energy."

Keeping a secret can be draining sometimes, especially when it is something you know will impact a lot of people or has the potential to hurt someone. When we sin, or fail, or mess up, we have a tendency to think that if no one finds out, it will be okay. Life can just go on as normal.

But then, all our energies are devoted to making sure no one finds out. We carry an enormous guilt and shame along with the sin. I can't imagine being a criminal on the run, always trying to cover up my identity, mask my features, pretend to be someone else, hide from everyone, and never be able to open up to anyone.

But that's what we do sometimes. We try to hide our sin from everyone, even God. We pretend nothing happened, but emotionally we are drained, and maybe even physically exhausted from carrying this load--our sin, shame, and guilt.

We were never intended to carry that load. Jesus took all of that on the cross. Now, we just need to confess our sins. The Bible says, "confess your sins one to another, and pray for eachother, so that you may be healed." And in 1 John 1:9, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful to forgive us, and cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness."

There is such a freedom in being real--with God and others.

Do you find yourself emotionally drained or physically exhausted? Maybe there is unconfessed sin in your life. Don't be afraid to confess your sin to God-- He already knows about it anyway, and is just waiting for you to confess, so He can forgive and cleanse you. And then, find someone you trust that you know is serving the Lord, and be real with them, and pray together, then the Bible says you can be healed...



april 3

it's worth repeating that "building a good relationship at home is like building a wall: It's done brick by brick."

Relationships take time.  They take work.  They take blood, sweat, and tears.  They take energy. They require sacrifice.  And they only stay together if there is "unconditional, un-condemning, unselfish love".

We really find out whether or family relationships are strong enough when we face tough times.  Events, news, failures that would rip apart some families don't have to rip yours apart.  But today, think about if your relationships have roots.  Do you love unconditionally?  Do you forgive?  Do you talk to eachother?  Do you make time for each other?  Do you eat dinner together?  Do you pray together?

These are some questions to get you started... Decide today that your family relationships will have strong, deep roots, and pray together as a family to figure out how to get there.  Don't start by blaming the other members of your family for the current state of affairs.  Instead, take a look at yourself, and ask yourself how you can become the husband, wife, father, mother, son, daughter, sister, brother, that God wants you to be.

Today, start building up your family and refuse to waste any time tearing down your hard work.



april 2

it's worth repeating that "When people are serving, life is no longer meaningless."

When I read the book of Ecclesiastes (which I highly recommend), I see the word "meaningless" several times. In fact, I almost get tired of hearing the word. It does make me evaluate where my joy, peace, security, etc.. lie. The writer of Ecclesiastes had fame, fortune, and more wisdom than anyone had ever had before his time. Yet at the end of his life , he felt it wall all worthless.

We can accumulate stuff during this life, we can accelerate our careers, we can achieve great status, we can earn several educational degrees, but there we will find no inherent meaning for our lives in those things.

I don't know about you, but the times that I most feel like I am "living" are the times when I am serving. When I give to others. When I help someone in need. When I take a pot of soup to a sick person. When I help my little son or daughter do a puzzle. When I do something that helps my husband to have a better day. When I pitch in on a community or church project.

I find purpose and meaning for my life as I serve, just the way Jesus did. Jesus did not come to be served, but to serve, and that is the highest calling...to walk as He did.



april 1

it's worth repeating that "we spend our strength extinguishing fires that, if left alone, would burn out on their own."

With 3 young children at home, I spend a good amount of my day keeping them from physically harming one another...funny, but true. One takes a toy from the other, so that child finds a way to make the other child pay for their theft. And it usually involves some form of hitting or screaming. You get the point.

I have learned recently to let them work it out at times, and not intervene every time I hear an increase in volume and urgency in their voices. They need to learn how to be kind and respectful of each other, and sometimes they need to get through it on their own. There are still those times that Mom must intervene and extinguish the fire.

I was thinking today that if we would all do our part by being peacemakers then there wouldn't have to be so much time extinguishing fires... Just some food for thought!



march 31

it's worth repeating that "a mediocre plan that's implemented beats a brilliant one that's not."

This is a tough one for me because I HATE mediocre. Mediocre makes my stomach turn. I have been a perfectionist since I can remember. Always had to be the best at everything. Highest grades. Best speech. And on and on. I have always been my harshest critic. I have never wanted to settle for mediocre.

However, lofty goals just sitting on a shelf or in a book somewhere don't do much good. When we sit in a committee meeting and talk about what we COULD do in the IDEAL situation, we are doing nothing but just wasting our breath if we never start taking action steps toward those goals.

So, if I have a goal to win a city for Christ, and my friend has a goal to just win her neighbor, people might say I am a dreamer, a visioneer, superwoman--and may think my friend is chicken or not living up to her full potential. However, if I never open my mouth and start witnessing and my friend wins her one neighbor, and then moves on to the next and the next, she is actually better off than I am.

Let's make some goals---and then start acting on them, especially if they are goals for our lives that God has called us to... worship, pursuit of holiness, telling others about Jesus Christ!



march 30

it's worth repeating that "He (Jesus) couldn't do both, so He chose to save You."

As I read today's devotional, I found myself wanting to gloss over the story the preacher told.  I think because I felt like I knew where it was going, and I have heard stories like this a hundred times growing up in church.  

I don't like how easy it is for me to hear about God sacrificing His son and to not be stirred by it because I have just gotten used to the idea.  God, forgive me.  I don't want to ever feel like I don't need to hear about Your sacrifice anymore.... I do need to... I need to read it in Your Word.  I need to hear about it in sermons.  I need to understand it more fully to really appreciate it...

Jesus could not save Himself from the cross, without sending us to our own eternal deaths.  Today I was struck by this notion.  The Pharisees were taunting Jesus, mocking Him, almost challenging Him to save Himself.  But they were actually throwing away their only hope of Heaven and true abundant life if Jesus accepted their challenge and came off that cross...

The same Pharisees who were "men of the Law" could not see that this was the Messiah, the One promised to them for so many years.  Maybe it was because they had read about Him so many times that they just glossed over the fact of who He really was.

I pray I don't miss out on "seeing" Jesus because I have just gotten USED to being in church, and hearing about Him.  I still want a fresh encounter with Him...every day.



march 27

it's worth repeating that "sometimes we think God couldn't or wouldn't use us because of our weaknesses."

If there is a line of questioning I hate it is the questions that go like this:

"What are your greatest strengths?"
"What are your inherent weaknesses?"

I know these questions can be helpful in a job interview or placement service, but I hate answering them. I feel boastful talking about strengths, and embarrassed to label my weaknesses. What I really want to say is just go ask other people what they think about my strengths and weaknesses, or better yet, find out for yourself by getting to know me.

We all have strengths that make us valuable to a team or a company or a family. However, our weaknesses make us valuable too. They make us "real" to people. They help us to relate to others in our circle of life. Those who have struggled with a sin and been victorious knows better how to pray and counsel someone facing the same sin.

Don't let your weaknesses or past sins keep you from being the "salt of the earth". God still wants to use you...He loves broken vessels!



march 25

it's worth repeating that "if you ask God, He'll give you the grace to minister to your mate."

Has your husband or wife ever been going through something, i.e. sickness, job loss, depressions, grief over a lost loved one,...and you just didn't know what to to do for them.  

Especially if the trial continues, and your spouse doesn't seem to be getting better, we can easily get frustrated and want to either "fix them" or give up on them, and throw the towel in.

There are sometimes when my hubby just has a cold, and I get impatient and want thim to be better so he can help me or contribute to the parenting or housework.  Selfish, I know.

When I went through depression, I did not get better overnight.  In fact, I did not get back to my normal self for months, and I know it was so hard for Matt to continue to live with a depressed spouse all that time.  I was so inwardly focused, which is a symptom of depression, but I thank God that Matt didn't try to fix me or give up on me.  He prayed for me everyday and everytime I asked.  He supported me and was my biggest fan through it all.  He wasn't disappointed in me when I was having a very bad day.  He stuck by me through everything, and to me that made him seem like not just a great husband, but a man after God's caring and compassionate heart.  Thanks again, honey....

What is going on in your marriage right now?  How can you serve your spouse today in their sickness and struggle??  We all made vows to stick through both sickness and health, poorer times and richer times, in the best times and the toughest times.... Just ask God for help, and He will give you the grace to keep loving and serving your spouse...



march 24

it's worth repeating that "paul learned to add grace to his grit".

If we are all grit and no grace, then we are like sandpaper to people's hearts and souls.  It's painful for people when we just speak the truth to them.  If we add some grace to our grit, it enables us to speak the truth in love.  People are able to hear us better and accept what we are saying to them if we sprinkle our conversations with them with grace.

I tend to be a pretty "black and white" person, and about 8 years ago realized that my personality was tending to seem brash and overbearing.  Sarcasm became my primary means of communication, and I was always quick to debate, defend, even demoralize if I could win an argument or "be right".  As I was reading the Word, I started praying for a gentle heart.  The Bible says to let our gentleness be known to all, because the Lord is near.  I was so convicted by this passage of scripture because I was only showing my grit, not so much grace, and certainly wasn't characterized by gentleness.

Thanks God he gave me a second chance...okay, many chances....to be the person He has called me to be!!  And He is still giving me grace.....



march 23

it's worth repeating that "if you've been traveling the road to success but neglected to bring your family along with you, make a U-turn."

Don't you just love alarm clocks, and wake-up calls? They make sure you stay on track for your day's schedule.

This devotional today is a wake-up call to all parents--especially to me. I love my children. They are such blessings. There are times, though, that I think of only MY dreams, and MY desires. And when I let myself get caught up in that way of thinking, I start to think of my children more as burdens than blessings. And I am sure it is reflected in my attitude, long-suffering, and temperament with them.

I don't ever want to assume that my children know that I love them.... I want to make sure they know that I love them and that I am so thankful to be their mom.

I want to honor God by being the mom that He desires me to be for my children.... So, Lord "I need your help, especially in my home." (Ps 101:2 TLB)

Take time today to show the love of God to your children....and to show them your love for them, too!!



march 20

it's worth repeating that "Nothing, absolutely nothing, is more important than learning to recognize God's voice when He speaks to you".

Have you ever been away from someone you care about and you just want to call them so you can hear their voice?? Their voice has an impact on you...it can be calming, refreshing, loving... it makes you feel secure to hear that person...

I have been feeling very desperate as of late to hear God's voice. There is so much noise all around us, but we have to hear His voice so we can be obedient, so we can be wise, so we can walk down the right path...

God still speaks to His people...but we have to intentionally listen. What does God want to speak to you today through His Word?? You will never know if You don't open His Word today and ask Him...



march 19

it's worth repeating that the voice of fear doesn't play fair.

The NCAA tournament is upon us!! One of my favorite sporting events of the year...even the underdog has a chance to win the title!! Most every game comes down to the wire, and you never know who is going to emerge as the "cinderella" team. For some of these teams, their "Road to the Final Four" seems impossible. They would have to play and defeat some of the strongest teams in the nation. These stronger teams will work to exploit their offense, and overpower and outsmart their defense. And if they're not careful they can lose the game even before they get to the court. They can listen to the media, bracketologists, and even smack-talkers from other teams and decide they don't have a chance. They could give into the voices around them that say there is NO WAY you could defeat this or that team. They could give into fear....

You see, fear cripples us before we even enter the arena. We have already been defeated in our minds before we even try. Fear tells us that we have failed before and that because of who we are we can never be successful or victorious. We have to say NO to fear and YES to the truth of God's Word.

We have to change the radio tuner in our heads to hearing God's voice in the midst of this madness. As we seek Him, He will speak to us... We need to zone in on His voice and tune out the voice of fear. He will speak to You! You don't have to be afraid when He is on your side!!

What are you afraid of today that is keeping you from getting in the game?? Don't let fear keep you from living out the abundant life God has planned for you...He promises never to harm us...but to give us hope and a future!!



march 18

it's worth repeating that you need to "be careful who influences you, and be careful how you influence others."

Leadership is influence.  We all have spheres of influence in our lives.  What we need to ask ourselves is what impact is our influence having in the lives of those around us??  Are they better because of our influence or not?  When you see something in someone you influence that you don't necessarily like..you may have to take a step back and ask yourself if that is something you see in yourself also...OUCH!  

I love to be around people that inspire me just when I am with them.  If I came to them down, I always leave filled with hope...ready to go on.  And I desire to be that type of person with that type of influence.

Today, who are you allowing to influence you??  Is it causing you to grow?  Who is in your sphere of influence?  How can you be a better influence on those around you??  

Take a step back today and ask yourself these questions...you will be a better leader because of it...



march 17

it's worth repeating that "standing on that (God's promises) won't keep you from getting scared or soaked, but it'll keep you from sinking."

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all my Irish friends and not-so-Irish friends!! Don't forget to wear green today so you don't get pinched!!

As I was reading the devotional today, I was thinking about so many memories, milestones, and past trials in my own life. Some of them came without warning. Some swept over my life, and life me like a limp rag with no bearings whatsoever. Some of them scared me to death.

There were times in the midst of the trial that I questioned God's love, care, support, mercy, etc... I asked questions such as "Where are you, God?", "What did I do to get you so angry with me?", "Why is this happening right now?".

I thought the trial, the fear, the panic, the depression, would never end. But it did. In God's timing, it did. And I was stronger because of it.

God never promised that we wouldn't face trials... He did promise that He would never leave us. He did tell us that we can have courage in the midst of our trials, because He has already overcome this world. (Jn 16:33).

Just know that whatever you are facing today.... God is not shocked by it... He is not scrambling to figure out what to do... He still loves You... He hasn't forgotten you... And He WILL see you through it...

If there is anything you are facing today, please let me know by commenting on this blog, so I can join you in prayer...



march 16

it's worth repeating that "every lustful glance damages your marriage bond".

it is sad to see so many marriages in the state they are in. I get tired of hearing the statistics on divorce. My heart hurts when a man or woman tell me of their failing marriage or a mate who is straying away not only from their family, but from God.

Can I just be real? Marriage is not easy. There is work to be done in order to have a fulfilled marriage. Conversations have to be initiated that we would rather just bury. Actions have to be forgiven almost daily in order to keep the marriage on the straight path.

However, if you give up, you will never know the blessing of a GREAT marriage--not a perfect marriage---but a loving, committed, tried-and-true, marriage.

This is a great devotion today on how to keep purity as a priority in your marriage. Take these three verses and memorize them and live by them and you will be on the right road to a pure marriage. (1) "I have made a covenant with my eyes to not look lustfully". (2) Take captive every thought...make it obedient to Christ!" (3) Above all...guard your heart"

If you will make a commitment to live for God by deciding to make these verses a covenant between you and God and your spouse.... there will be blessings in your marriage.

If you are struggling with lust in your marriage, ask God to forgive you, ask God to give you a pure heart, and begin to live by these verses.

If you need to talk to someone, do it!! It's okay to reach out for help....



march 12

it's worth repeating that "you'll have to fight to get to your destiny--and fight to hold on to it."

Have you ever come to a time in your life when you have thrown up your arms, heaved a big sigh, and said "Why can't anything be easy?" I sure have. Life can be a struggle at times. Like David, in the devotional today against the Jebusites, we can feel as though we are facing an "uphill" battle.

Especially if God has destined you for greatness, He has anointed you for a purpose, He has set you apart to serve Him, you can expect to face difficulties. If the enemy can get you to throw the towel in before God has positioned you for His Kingdom, then the enemy has won.

Today, don't let the enemy have any strong hold on your God-given destiny. He will try to discourage you today, defeat you today, deflate you today, demean you today, and even destroy you today.

Instead today, find a place of prayer and seek God's instructions for your life! Be reminded of His purpose for You. Stand on His promises!

Go FORWARD today and take hold of what He has for you!!



march 11

it's worth repeating that "Promotion comes from God".

Psalm 75:7 says that it is God who brings one down, and who exalts another.

So often in our culture people feel as though they have to promote themselves to get anywhere in life. We have learned that we must BOAST about ourselves for people to notice us. You know what's awesome about God...you don't have to be the BEST in your field, or the WISEST in your age bracket to be promoted in His kingdom. He wants the glory to go to Him so, often, He promotes those who will keep no glory for themselves.

When God promotes you, there may be those around you that don't like it. However, remember God is not only your promoter, He is your defender. You don't have to defend what God is doing in your life, just continue to walk in humility and obedience before Him. He will give you everything you need to get the job done!

When you tell someone, especially family or close friends, that God has called you or promoted you, you may hear the question, "God has called YOU? God has promoted YOU?" Don't be alarmed. It's hard to not take it personally. But whenever we follow God we should expect rejection. Often times family members and close friends know our weaknesses and think there is no way God would promote us or call us. They think we just want to promote ourselves. But the Bible says that the One who has called you is faithful!!!

Maybe God has promoted you or called you and you are feeling some rejection from those who are close to you... Maybe you, yourself, feel unqualified for what He has called you to do...

Just know that He knows what He is doing, and will give you all the grace You need to do what He has asked you to do, so STEP OUT in faith!!



march 10

it's worth repeating that "God trains you in a small sphere so you can handle a bigger one."

When I first became a youth leader at a thriving youth ministry as a college student, I didn't get to teach a class, or preach a message, or lead worship. My first task was to stack the chairs after service was over. I was called to the ministry, yet they had me stacking chairs. Some might walk away saying that their gifts weren't being used. Some might say that there are others who could do this menial task because they are called to bigger and better things. Instead, I just did it.

After I did this task for some time, the youth pastor asked me to help run the youth cafe, so I did it. It was another menial task, but something that NEEDED to be done at the time. So I just did it.

After a few months, the youth pastor called me in his office and asked me to be the lead teacher in a Sunday School class. This was a big deal because there were only a few teachers selected out of close to 80 leaders, so I was honored, but also humbled. But the same God who was with me while I stacked chairs, and worked a cafe, and worked with junior high girls at sleepovers, and talked to 5 students a week on the phone faithfully, was the same God who helped me take on this new opportunity.

Sometimes we want to handle the BIG responsibility right away, but God wants to test us in the smaller spheres of responsibility first. Are you willing to serve in what you consider menial areas in the church, in the home, or at your workplace? If you are faithful with the small things, God will bless you and put you over bigger areas of responsibility!



march 9

it's worth repeating that the story of David is "a testimony to the justice of God that won't allow us to escape our consequences, and to His love that will never let go of us."

Everytime I read the story of David, how he was chosen to be King, how he defeated Goliath, how he fled from Saul, how he never took revenge, how he fell hard with Bathsheba, how he murdered Bathsheba's husband Uriah, how he struggle raising his children, I am reminded of the nature of God, the justice, and also the love.

Some people tend to be more just and less loving...some all loving, and completely unfair. The truth is what sets people free, but love is what helps them to get up and move forward.

God is the perfect balance between truth and grace. It is SO hard to help our kids understand that their actions demand consequences. When I read the story of David and see the consequences he had to suffer because of his actions, part of me says that he deserved it, and part of me says that he asked for forgiveness, so why couldn't the consequences go away. There are consequences for our sins, but the consequence will never be that God will stop loving you--NEVER!

He teaches us the way of righteousness sometimes through the consequences of our decisions, but His love is always there to help us deal with them, not matter how difficult they are.

God loves you, so he disciplines you...He disciplines you because he loves you...



march 7

it's worth repeating that "what can seem impossible is often possible with courage."

When I hear great heroic stories about someone beating the odds, keeping going in spite of crazy resistance, or picking up the pieces after conquering a life-altering disease, I get so inspired to keep going in my own life and NEVER give up.

Then a trial comes and knocks me off my feet, and I wonder if I will be able to keep on keeping on.

It's amazing how quickly we can lose courage when a trial comes our way. I love in James 5 where James reminds us of the perseverance of Job. Even James knows that sometimes in order for us to persevere we need to look into the past and be reminded how God has already brought others through!!

With God's help, you can have the courage to face whatever is staring you in the face today and causing you to fear and lose hope!

Would you send me your prayer request and let me know what you are facing so I can be praying with you to be strong and courageous? God is going to see you through...He has promised!



march 6

it's worth repeating that "Jesus doesn't measure you by your past, He measures you by your potential."

I love the glimpse of Jesus's life when He meets the woman at the well. We see His compassion on imperfect, unrighteous, lost, confused people. He doesn't tell the woman she isn't good enough to be in His presence. He doesn't say she is a lost cause. He simply gets her to a place where she is so thirsty for change in her life that she receives Jesus for who He is, and she leaves that well a different woman than when she came.

The story doesn't end there, though. Thanks be to God!! When she left, she didn't go back to her past. She didn't allow her past to keep her from the potential she now had to reach others for Jesus Christ. Do you think she thought that maybe she wasn't qualified or righteous enough to be a witness for Jesus? Probably. Do you think that there were some who talked about her behind her back and it caused her hurt and pain? Maybe. But we see later in the passage that many Samaritans came to know Jesus because of THIS woman, with an imperfect past, with 5 failed marriages, with a past that we wouldn't let our kids see on television.

If the enemy can still keep you trapped in the prison of your past, then you WILL not, CAN not be effective to reach others for Christ. Thanks be to Jesus Christ..your past is redeemed!! Now all that is left is this great potential you have to reach others who feel unqualified, unrighteous, imperfect, and not worthy to approach Jesus. Your sinful past connects you to a sinful world that also needs Jesus!

Don't let your past cripple your potential!!



march 5

it's worth repeating that "you can't fight spiritual battles with carnal weapons and hope to win."

I heard a preacher once say that the moment you ask Jesus to take over your life, you have put a target on your back and invited the enemy's attacks. He doesn't want you to serve God--not one day! Do you know what you're up against?

When we treat spiritual problems with physical remedies..we get nowhere.. When we just try harder, think more positively, we can only go so far. We can only defeat the enemy with the weapons God has equipped us with, and then become mighty through prayer.

Are you facing a stronghold in your life? Is there a battle you haven't been able to get the victory over?? Confront that area in the NAME OF JESUS! Don't let it exist in your life anymore!!

Jesus paid the price for you to have the victory!



march 4

it's worth repeating that "the world gets turned off by people who have Christian bumper stickers..., Christian peace signs..., Christian books..., Christian stations on their radio and TV, Christian jewelry..., etc... but who don't have the life of Jesus in their bones or the love of Jesus in their hearts."

Have you ever been disillusioned before by having a picture in your mind of what someone SHOULD be like and then meeting them in person and seeing what they are REALLY like?  Disappointing, at the least.  I once met a nationally renowned youth speaker who loved the spotlight but didn't really like youth or people.  Just the hype.  Made me question if everything the person said was real or just a show.

Let's be honest for a second.  We have all had moments of weakness when we let our flesh shine instead of letting our light shine.  

One of the most challenging verses in all the Bible for me is "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus."  Wow!!  There have been many times my attitude has been more like Oscar the Grouch.  OR Eeyore.  OR the really whiney girl from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  I have not been a shining light for Jesus the way I should.  

Lord, help us, the Church, to be your light to this world.  Don't let our attitudes, desires, emotions, and feelings keep us from pointing the world to You.  We repent of just putting on a show and not having you be in control of our entire heart and soul.  Help our good deeds cause this world to praise You.



march 3

it's worth repeating that "among many Christians today there's a strange logic suggesting that spiritual resource and renewal are found in constantly seeking new voices, attending more meetings, listening to incessant music, and gathering to exchange half-thought-out opinions..."

Have you ever been overstimulated before? I know my children have. WHen they were little babies, and someone was in their face talking to them, and their was loud noise in the background, and the lights were bright in the room, and the person talking to them was wearing an extremely bright shirt with sequins on it... you get the idea. They just started to cry...and wanted some peace and quiet.

I have had overstimulating days of phone calls, emails, text messaging, music practices, children screaming through the house, TV noise or music in the background, a to-do list a mile long, and laundry piling up around me... it can all get crazy!

I have learned to love silence and solitude. I used to just get bored and not really know what to do when I was alone, but now I love the stillness of a quiet room, or an expanse in the outdoors, or an early morning or late night when everything is quiet and at rest. I realized a few years ago that I not only like "alone" times, but I desperately NEED them, to be renewed and reminded of God's love and sovereignty in my life. I NEED Him to speak to me. I NEED to meditate on His Word.

Sometimes we have have to stop, really stop...and just listen, meditate, and sit with our Savior to really understand His heart for us...

So, pencil Jesus in today... you won't be sorry you did!!



march 2

it's worth repeating that you can't base your worth on the opinions of those who put you down...

there was a time in my life that i struggled with "approval addiction". Instead of focusing on who God had made me, and what He had asked me to do, and His favor in my life, I became wrapped up, and eventually "entangled" in, other's opinions of me. I would lay in bed at night and think about what so-and-so said, and why. I would work extra hard to show that person that I was a nice, good, hard-working, knowledgeable person. Most of the time their opinion didn't change, but I became burned out and disillusioned from trying so hard to be ME.

God has called us to see ourselves in His light and through Jesus. If we get tripped up by every negative word, we will never be able to walk straight in the path God has made for our lives.

On a side note, we should open ourselves up to accountability, but this should be with people we trust who speak to us with a motive of love...

Is the opinion of others about you sucking the life out of your day?? your work?? your dreams?? Are you spending your energies trying to please God with your life, marriage, work...or making others happy. When we live for God, and walk in His way, people will not always "like" us, but we must still serve Christ!!



march 1

it's worth repeating that we should not be led by our wounded egos, but but be led by God's Word..

Ouch!!  That one stings a little.  I have really been upset about something before..hurt by someone's words... and wanted to lash right back out. Let them know I'm mad.  Make them feel my pain.  God's Word doesn't give any place for revenge, backlashing, or bad-mouthing.  Instead it calls me to humble myself and forgive...  

There have been people that I have hurt... with my actions or words, and I have been called on it. In my "forced" humility, I have had to make a choice whether I was going to defend my "rightness" or live by God's righteousness.  Not easy.  Not natural.  

Lord, help me to be a forgiver, and to also humble myself to ask for forgiveness when necessary... don't let my ego get in the way of Your Holy Spirit...

How has the Lord spoken to you today through His Word?  
Did God do anything special in your life today during our church service?

Let me know.... Tell me everything... Don't leave out any details...
