Welcome to my blog!

My blog is personal. It's real. It's about me. It's about life's struggles. It's about amazing grace. Relentless hope. Second Chances. True Recovery. It's my journey. Thanks for joining me!


Great Expectations

The New Year gets much hype.  It's easy to get caught up in the frenzy of setting all kinds of expectations for ourselves in the New Year.  I, too, have some goals for myself.  One is to write more.  Hence, I am writing this post today.  Writing is an outlet for me.  I have found it calms me and keeps me sane to write down my thoughts, ideas, anxieties, hopes, fears, burdens, and prayers.

The New Year can also be overwhelming as I think of "getting through" another year of planning, parenting, and meeting other people's expectations of me.  My job is a "people" job and there are no shortage of "people" problems.  Not a week goes by that someone doesn't request my help with an issue in his or her life.  Don't get me wrong.  I know God has asked me to help others and I am honored that He chose me for the task.  It just never gets easier to see people hurting and I wish I had more answers to people's hurts and confusion and doubts.

I know one thing for sure.  God has already seen this New Year.  He is already in it.  He knows what will happen this year.  He's leading me into it and He will give the strength, wisdom, and hope needed every step along the way.  He has good plans for this year!

Because I know God loves me perfectly, I don't have to be afraid of 2013.  Because God has promised to be the God of the impossible, I don't have to worry about the impossibilities I will face.

Last night, as we brought in the new year with our Celebrate Recovery family, I was reminded that in 2013 I want to continue to see God's hope and grace transform lives!!  And I want to be a part of a plan like that.  I won't be perfect this year, but I will be living out of God's grace for me.

Happy New Year!

Many Blessings!