Welcome to my blog!

My blog is personal. It's real. It's about me. It's about life's struggles. It's about amazing grace. Relentless hope. Second Chances. True Recovery. It's my journey. Thanks for joining me!


Revising Your Life

It's worth repeating that being with Jesus is the most effective means of life transformation!

It's that time of year again...the end of a year, and the beginning of a new one. People all over the world are deciding how they would like to be a better person this next year. They are setting goals, making action steps, calling advisors, etc...

i have felt very restless in the last month.... like I know that God is calling me to more that I am right now. He wants me to surrender even more of myself, to die to more of my selfish desires, and to look more like Him in this next year.

I don't like this feeling... the pruning. I don't like what I see when God puts me under His spiritual microscope... I feel vulnerable and exposed and ugly. i want to hide everything from Him... I want to be like Him, and so many times I fail.

How can I become more like Christ this year? How can I be a better wife, mother, sister, pastor, friend, teacher....

I have to be with Jesus. I have to have more time in His presence where He can "rub off" on me. That is my number one goal...my only goal really..to spend more time being WITH him.. seems so simple, but it's amazing how everything works against my spending time with Him.. this year, I want to press through, I want to know Him more, His power, and His sufferings. I want to hear His voice....



i will survive

it's worth repeating that an encouraging word from someone that matters to you can get you through just about anything....

Tonight, I watched Survivor with my hubby..it is a Thursday night ritual in our home. Although after seeing the previews for next week, I don't know how much longer we will be able to watch it in good conscience. We will have to see...

Anyways, tonight was the night that the winning tribe's reward included receiving letters from close family and dear friends. It is always the same.... Everyone responds differently, but everyone is so moved that they don't know how to respond... Some yell, some scream, some cry, some get very quiet, and some get very loud... Whatever the initial response, though, the end result is always the same... each one is spurred on to continue and is reminded that because of the support and love that they fell, they can survive...

I don't know where you are right now in your journey, but I have been in survival mode lately...in the wilderness, wondering what is going to happen. I am hanging on every encouraging word, whether from the Word of God, or from someone I trust whose words really matter to me... These en "courage" ing words give me some courage to keep on keeping on...

Who is hanging on to your words of encouragement today?? Your words have the power to give someone the courage to keep going...so tell someone how much they mean to you, tell them how great you think they are, and then watch them smile and keep on swimming along...



it's a bleeder!

it's worth repeating that head injuries bleed more than any other injury...

wow! today was injury day in the valantine home. i can not count how many times one of the kids fell on the floor, tripped over something, fell off the couch, ran into something, etc... it was a crazy day!

the worst injury award of the day goes to Kaitlyn, my 2 year old, who tried to flip over the arm of the couch and landed on the fireplace with her head..OUCH! Annie, our oldest, never took risks like that, so I had never seen a head injury before...and I would not have seen it had the blood not been flowing in Kaitlyn's hair... pretty soon, she had blood on her hands, I had blood on my clothes and face, and her hair was matted with it... I quickly began to clean the area so I could see whether we needed to make a hospital run, but the cut wasn't that big, it was just a bleeder... I was worried though, so I kept a close eye on her to make sure she didn't do anything out of the ordinary, which is very hard since Kaitlyn is always doing things out of the ordinary...she seems fine now though...

It amazed me how quickly Kait was ready to start jumping around and taking risks again after she had just gotten so hurt... She bled a lot of blood...she screamed in horror...and then she got back up and wanted to be active again..

It reminded me that I need to get back up and take risks after I fail and even get hurt... so do you... keep trying, keep failing, keep taking risks, and don't ever stay down...



Suitcase of Songs

it's worth repeating that God wants us to sing a new song...

Songs carry baggage... have you ever been scanning through the radio and you heard a song that brought back such vivid memories it was almost as if you were back in that moment in time. i've heard songs that have instantly changed my demeanor based on what they remind me of...

in the church, songs carry baggage, too. there are songs that are many years old that people still love to hear because it was the first song they sang after they were saved, or the song that was played the day of their baptism... sometimes, though, a song will trigger memories of a bad pastoral situation, or a hard time in the church... or if you are like my husband, you often change old songs into new songs and then no one else can ever sing them again without laughing... (there is none like me....)

God wants us to sing, write, produce, create new songs... songs for today, songs with new words.. God wants to give you a song to sing for when you are facing a trial and have nothing left but your song... God wants to move you to a new level, which sometimes means there will be new songs that go with that level...

As a worship pastor, I see all the time how people react to different songs... one person can love a song while the person next to them is not so thrilled with it... i heard that after you sing the same song 30 different times that it begins to lose it's original powerful meaning, and it just becomes a wordless melody. this has happened to me even in church, if the same song is sung over and over and over... i don't realize what the words are saying anymore, i am just singing along.

i love to listen to my kids sing some of the older songs i used to sing...it has total new meaning to them... and they make it fresh again...

We need new songs... We need fresh worship...

Is God giving you a song?? By all means, share it with the world...



Temper Tantrums

it's worth repeating that your reactions speak a lot louder about your character than your actions do...

i actually hate this thought, because often my reactions are not in line with where i think i should be spiritually.  it's much easier to act like a child of God, and some of us are really good actors, than it is to REact like a child of God...  

OUCH!  I really want to respond to my husband, my children, my parents, my in-laws, and everyone i meet the way God would have me respond even when i am frustrated or having a bad day... 

as a pastor, and pastor's wife, i am sometimes under immense pressure to perform, it seems, as if my life is perfect, and everything is just fine.. anyone who has ever spent any length of time with me can tell you that i am not perfect, my kids are not perfect, and i don't have it all together.  there are days i feel like throwing in the towel, like throwing a fit, and like throwing some object at someone else!  see, i told you i am not perfect at all...

God has really been challenging me to look at my reactions to people, and stop making excuses, like i am tired, i have had a bad day, my kids are just driving me crazy.. and to let the fruit of His Spirit shine through me in ALL my reactions...

I tired of "act"ing a role...I want all my actions and my reactions to glorify God and to point people to Him...

anybody with me??



this little light of mine

it's worth repeating that God desires for us to become brighter and more beautiful every day...

Today I was reading in 2 Corinthians..the chapter just escaped me...it is 3 or 4..in the Message Bible.  it rocked my world.  the verses leading up to the final verse of the chapter talked about how we have been set free from legalism, and the law of condemnation.  it talked about seeing God face to face...and then the kicker..the final verse spoke about becoming brighter and more beautiful every day in the Lord...

wow!!  i don't know about you but there are many times i feel more burned out, and not brighter, and more aged, and not more beautiful every day... i look at new Christians and remember how bright I once was..I look at those who have been forgiven of all their sins for the first time and see how beautiful they suddenly are...and I envy them.

As Christians, long-time followers of Christ, we have to shake off those things that cause us to become dim, foggy, and critical... we have to shake off the attitudes, the entitlements, the self-righteousness, the sarcasm, and become more beautiful every day..

what a challenge... the end of the verse tells us how... when Christ comes in, we become brighter and more beautiful as time goes by.. we don't rot and break down like the world around us...

have you invited Christ into every part of your life today??  let your light shine!



don't give up on love

it's worth repeating that God calls us to love without stopping....

wow...love has really gotten a bad rap in our culture.  people use the word so flippantly, and even about stupid stuff... i LOVE him, i LOVE her, i LOVE this, i LOVE that... then the very next moment they change their minds and don't love anymore...

i am so thankful to God for His unconditional, unstoppable love... so many times I haven't deserved it at all, so many times i didn't treat God and live for Him as if i loved him...so many times God could have rightfully turned his back on me and taken his love somewhere else...but He never has...and never will..

It's interesting in 2 Corinthians that God calls us to show love that doesn't stop loving... i guess i am the type of person that loves so strongly that i feel like i can't stop loving even if i try... i may stop trusting, and i may get hurt, but i have a hard time giving up on loving someone... or even something...  i have a hard time parting with things that hold special meaning to me....even if their better days were many days before...

as i think about the changes in our lives that we are going through, i know i will never stop loving the students of xlr8 and the people at dayspring who are like family to us... i know i will never stop loving my husband and children and walking on this journey of life with them, even when the going gets tough...and i know i want to stop questioning once and for all whether God loves me and has His best in mind for me... his love has never stopped for me..why would it now?



i've been replaced

it's worth repeating that the Kingdom of God is so much bigger than any one of us...

sometimes, it's hard to realize that God doesn't need us...He desires to use us as vehicles for His glory, but He really doesn't need us. it feels good to be needed..it does something for our ego when people NEED us... but is also very dangerous, and can cause us enormous stress.

as most of you know, we are going through a major transition in our lives. tonight we walked over to our youth service (GOD's youth service)... someone else is in charge, some things have already changed, and nobody had an emergency or needed us to do anything...it was a very strange feeling. i felt sad, but also relieved to know that God has everything under control...

God positions us where we are most effective for Him, and when it is time for us to be repositioned it is not always easy, but He knows better than we do... however, if we forget that He is the one calling the shots, it's even harder...

There is another side to this though. when we realize that God doesn't need us, then it takes a lot of the pressure off us to perform. we just make ourselves available as living and holy sacrifices for Him to do whatever He needs to do through us...

God may not need us, but He sure wants to use us to bring glory to His name, and to reach as many people as we can for His Kingdom...

do you feel pressured in life to be perfect and be everything that everyone needs? don't put that kind of pressure on yourself... God wants to use you but He wants to move you out of the way so people can see Him...



soon and very soon

it's worth repeating that it's easier to say see you later than goodbye...

this has been a week of goodbyes for me...we just finished our final youth activity with the students of XLR8, and what and awesome time we had! It was so bittersweet, and there were times my emotions overtook me (thanks, kati, for loving me) , but God used that weekend in spite of all the tough emotions to get His work done, and I thank Him for that.

last night was our farewell reception at the church, and it was so great (thanks to the greatest friends in the world)... at first i was so overwhelmed with emotion, that i just wanted to leave. i couldn't imagine saying goodbye to all of these wonderful people that have become like family to me, and have loved me, my husband and kids as one of their own... the reception was so personal..they made all our favorites, and even used my favorite colors to decorate...wow!! i could feel the love, and i t was amazing. I pray for everyone that one day you could feel that loved, and could know how much people care for you...

as i was saying goodbye, i was reminded that one of the most amazing things about being in the kingdom of God is that we never say goodbye, we only say see you later... one day, we will spend eternity with each other. my brain can't comprehend that right now, and my humanness does not want to let go, but i know that when i get to heaven i will once again get to be part of an amazing reception...a welcoming reception, and all these same wonderful people will be there once again...

be encouraged today, that we only see a very small part of the picture... one day, we will rest from this life's work, and have complete peace and joy... don't grow weary, and never give up... take risks, and live life to the fullest... God bless the people of Dayspring....



thank you, thank you

it's worth repeating that where God guides, He provides...

I know it sounds almost cheesy, and I am one who shies away from "corny", "rhymy" sayings because they don't sound sincere, but this one is true!

my husband, matt, and I, and our 3 children, are getting ready to embark on a new, crazy, scary journey with God to lead pastor a church that needs a new chance... i am scared to go, sad to leave where we are, and overwhelmed with moving our entire family, but God has still been very faithful.

we were in columbus yesterday for a sectional minister's meeting where our sectional presbyter (konan) said that his church was going to make a financial commitment to Lifepoint church (our new church) to help get it going again...that is so God because He is taking care of His church. That same day, someone bought our lunch, and then bought our coffees at Starbucks. The whole day God was just providing. That night (last night), we found a home to rent...we have been looking for a while and it has been very frustrating, but God has provided for us again what we need for our family.

we also talked to our new DYD (district youth director) and he was a great comfort to me. he was saying how when he left youth ministry that it was very painful to him and he would cry just thinking about it...i think he might have started to tear up just talking about it with us. anyway, it helped me to know that i am not just a crazy hormonal woman for feeling the way i do. he said that i am a great pastor because of the way i feel. it shows how much i love these kids and have invested in them...i will always love them so much and will always care that they are serving the Lord...

i guess i say all that to say that God sees where you are...and He is going to take care of you, too...



friends to family

it's worth repeating that friends are the family you choose for yourself...

I have so many amazing friends! I am so thankful for the people God has put in my life...

As I am preparing to leave Bowling Green to go to Delaware, Ohio, the hardest part for me are the people that I am leaving behind. The friends. The students. The pastors. The pastor's wives. The moms from momtime.

Tonight, we went as a family to an 8th grade football game where one of our students was playing quarterback, and one was a cheerleader. Everytime I see our students, I am so proud of them. I get sad because I want to be around to see more of their lives and see how the chapters will unfold.

Today, I texted a friend who told me that she is just having a hard time with me leaving. I know how she feels. I am having such a hard time leaving, knowing that spontaneous coffee runs, and midnight movies, and late night dairy queen cravings will be no more. I will miss seeing her at church and at momtime, and at softball games, and everywhere. Someone asked me the other day if we were sisters. Biologically, we're not, but as far as being tied together, we are definitely sisters!

Another friend gave me a song that reminded her of me, and I have listened to it over and over to feel the encouragement...

Tonight, my mother (in-law), emailed me to let me now she is praying for me, and it meant the world to me to know that she is thinking of me during this time...

People keep me going... God has put some of the best people in the world in my life... my husband. my kids. my family. my friends.

Don't forget to tell someone how much they mean to you tonight... it will probably make their day and help them get through whatever they are facing.


Get some sleep!

it's worth repeating that a good night's sleep can cure almost anything...

I have had a few rough days...with thinking about leaving our youth ministry, with packing, with thinking about leaving friends, with trying to find a place to live... just thinking a lot about a lot of things.. and the enemy was really getting the best of me..

Monday, my sweet little Kaitlyn created amazing artwork with PERMANENT marker on our carpet, our rocking chair, my son's dresser and crib, not to mention herself and her brother...

Today, she locked herself in the bathroom and I had to call someone to come get her out...

On top of that, I barely slept for two nights in a row...

I am a person who NEEDS sleep to function. I need sleep to have the strength to deal with the little surprises and BIG messes that my little blessings make! I need sleep to have the perseverance to fight the enemy when he is trying to devour my soul.

Sometimes we can overspiritualize things and think that if we just prayed more, or read our Bible more, or memorized more scripture, or said more faith statements, we could make it through anything...prayer does help, the Bible is our food, faith is good...but we are also human and need rest. Last night, I went to bed early, fell asleep reading my Bible, and then woke up ready to face the day with God's help and a rested mind.

If you are tired or worn out, maybe it is not because you are a failing Christian with not much faith..maybe it's because you are a tired human who needs some rest...so get some!!



When I am gone...

it's worth repeating that as a leader you will reproduce what you are...

Wow! Reproduction is a whole other subject that I don't ususally talk about until February when it comes up in the dating series!

I am sitting at an XLR8 worship practice just thinking about how much the students of XLR8 have grown in their gifts and talents for music and worship-leading...AMAZING!

I have tried to give my all and teach them everything I know while I have been one of their youth pastors. I have tried to pull confidence out of them and make them believe that God can use them! Some of them have grown so much!! And I am so proud of them! Soon, they will surpass anything I have ever done...I know that for sure!

I can remember how timid some of them were, how worried they were that they would mess up, and now I sit back and watch as they not only make it work, but they LEAD each other, and are training other musicians!

Now, I am off to a new mission. I will be starting with a new worship experience, and working with new musicians, and raising up new worshippers! It is an overwhelming task to start over again...but as I sit here and listen and watch these students, I know that God can give me the strength to do the work He has put before me... I want to leave a legacy wherever I go...

What legacy are you leaving?? What will people say about you when you leave?? Are they better for knowing you?? Or are you just exisiting?? What are you using your influence to accomplish?? Are you training the next generation to take the reins when it is their turn??

These are tough questions to ponder..but I know with God's help we can do the work He has asked us to do...



A Cleansing Change

It's worth repeating that change is a necessary evil...

Wow!! There are not many people who like, and even embrace, change. Most people order the same things at the same restaurants the same night of every week! We rarely try new foods because we are not sure if we will like the taste. We don't reach out to new friends because we are comfortable right where we are and don't want to risk rejection.

I am in the midst of HUGE change right now. The Lord has asked me to step away from everything that is comfortable to go into uncharted territory. I don't know exactly what lies ahead, but I am going to go on this adventure with God and with my family.

Matt and I and the kids will be moving next month to Delaware, Ohio to become lead pastors of Lifepoint church! We are excited for the opportunities, but also struggling with having to leave where we are.

I am going to be blogging about the feelings that come with change and also giving you updates on what is going on with our move and new opportunities.

Today, I am just feeling a bit overwhelmed with having to pack up our home and move again. Since we moved to Bowling Green a little over 3 years ago, we have added two children and a hamster and a whole lot more stuff to our household. So the organizing and sorting and purging has begun.

You know, it's good to sort through all the stuff in our hearts and minds sometimes and purge those things that don't belong. We carry around past failures, current fears, unconfessed sin, and all kinds of hurts and wounds. Those things can weigh us down so heavily that we forget what it means to serve the Lord with joy...life becomes a chore.

What do you need to give God for good?? THe Bible says to throw off all the things that weigh us down and keep us trapped... So it's time for a change!!!



it's worth repeating that perfect love casts out all fear.

fear is such a gripping emotion. it is one of the strongest emotions humans can feel..ranking right up there with anger.

fear can be legitimate. when i am going up the first hill of a roller coaster, i feel fear. when i almost get in a car accident, i feel fear. when my husband tells me he is cooking dinner, i feel great fear!!

fear can also be irrational, though. we fear that we are going to fail in life. we fear that we are not good enough to have God's love and forgiveness. we live with the fear that something awful is lurking around the corner. we can even fear feeling fear and anxiety!! talk about a trap!

i have felt the trap of fear before. it consumed my mind and wouldn't let me enjoy the special moments of life.

life can throw many curveballs our way. we have to choose to turn away from fear and turn ourselves to see God's face!

don't let fear hold you captive. take risks! enjoy the abundant life Christ died to give you!! make those thoughts of fear bow down to the Prince of peace!!



it's worth repeating that kids grow up TOO fast...

today i had a bittersweet moment. i have known for a long time that i have to cut my little Nash's hair..he is our youngest baby and turned one in june. his hair was getting longer and longer and i just didn't want to cut it because i didn't want him to look grown up. every baby boy i had seen that had gotten their hair cut just all the sudden looked like little men and not babies anymore.

so as i started cutting nash's hair today i had a hard time. it took me a while to make the first cut. after about10 minutes i had to call matt to come home and give me some support, both emotional and physical. (it is not easy to keep a 13 month old sitting still for very long and i didn't want to cut off his ear!)

our oldest daughter annie couldn't handle it. she just started crying and wouldn't stop. she kept saying that he looks too different now and she doesn't recognize him. she was mad at us for cutting it....

in the end, we cut off a lot of hair, and we made some memories, and my little baby now looks like a toddler...

time is such a gift..we can't get minutes, hours, days, months or years back... once my little kids become big kids, and then young adults, and then old adults, i hope i can look back and know that i gave my time, one of the best gifts i can give, to my children...

where do you spend the bulk of your time?? make time today for the people you love!



it's worth repeating that man was not created to be an island to himself....

so often i have told people that they need to reach out for help if they need something. they can't expect to be able to dolife on their own. God intended us to live in relationship with one another and to bear eachother's burdens... sounds like i am preaching... TO MYSELF!!

isn't it interesting how easy it is to use cliches and quotes to help others but to totally overlook them for yourself...

sometimes we don't even realize how much we are sinking until someone pulls us out and we remember what it was like to stand on solid ground again...

i thank God today for people who recognize when I am spent and need a break... so many people make my life better because they make my well-being their business...and they reach out to me even when i am too proud to reach to them...and to them i say thanks in a big way!!!

do you need others around you to lift you up?? don't be afraid to ask for prayer, support, encouragement, and friendship...

let someone be a blessing to you today..you will be glad you did...



it's worth repeating that when all else fails, God doesn't...

actually i'm not sure i have ever heard that said that way but i have heard Jesus never fails, and God has never made a promise He hasn't kept...

i was reminded today of what it feels like to have planned things fall apart, to count on people that just don't show up, to have to scramble to make things work....i was tired, emotionally and physically...and in the end, i still needed God to make it work...

But God always provides...

I am a worship leader and tonight my entire band basically couldn't be there, but instrument by instrument i filled the vacant spots throughout the day.  when i got to our service though i still didn't have a drummer...i think he probably told me a while ago that he couldn't be there and i just forgot....unfortunately, though my two other drummers didn't tell me they were going to be gone, so i thought, well that's it...i have worked all day on this only for it to fail because we have no drummer for our youth service and we are 1 hour from it starting...

But God always provides...

one of our youth leaders just interrupted our rehearsal and asked if i would want him to play the drums until someone else showed up that could do it...i said definitely.  the musician side of me was worried, but the "doing my best to trust God" side of me was thinking God filled the spot... it turned out he did an awesome job and played for the service.

my plans failed..God's didn't..  So, God still has never broken a promise..he always provides for our needs...

what are you worried about that seems to be failing?  put your trust in God because when all else fails, he doesn't...



it's worth repeating that we were made to live in the present...

often i find myself spending time in my past, wishing i could change things, make better choices, take words back, treat my parents better, have more confidence with who I am in Christ, not be so boy-crazy...

other times and even more frequently i find myself trying to figure out my future...what does the future hold?  will we be safe or at war?  will my children learn to love the Lord?  will my husband and i be able to hear the voice of the Lord and know what to do with our lives?  will i miss God on something really important?  will my kids get hurt, sick, or broken-hearted?  i find myself thinking about my future but only thinking about it out of a mindset of fear?  I don't include God in my future when i think about my future with fear...

what i want to do is live more in the present..moment by moment walking in step with the Holy Spirit, relishing the amazing journey of life, appreciating the people in my life, and living life to the fullest?

are you stuck in your past??  are you fearing your future??

live in the present...after all, it is a gift from God...



it's worth repeating that the best things in life are free...

today, i am thinking of all the things in my life that cost me nothing but that bless me so much...

my husband (okay, the wedding cost a little bit...)
my children (i guess that could be argued too)
my salvation from sin
my relationship with God
the peace i have
all my family
all my friends
my memories
the sunrise

these things are priceless to me..even if they cost a fortune they would be worth having and that is what makes them so amazing...

Lord, help me not to take these things for granted just because they are free..help me to treasure them like they are fine treasures...

what are some of the things that mean the most to you that are free???

i hope you enjoy your life's journey today..



it's worth repeating that God doesn't call the qualified He qualifies the called...

I am so glad I don't have to submit a resume to God for Him to decide whether He thinks I am worthy to be used or not. I have done so many things, made so many mistakes and have so many weaknesses that could easily disqualify me from being useful to God, but instead He just asks me to be available and obedient to Him...

i was reminded tonight that God works great under pressure... he always pulls through in the clutch...and I am so thankful that when we commit our plans to Him to succeed...

Tonight, I also get to play a role that I am not qualified for...the role of tooth fairy. My oldest daughter, Annie, lost her first tooth today...so i am going to figure out what a tooth fairy should give her daughter for her first lost tooth!! wow, my little girl is growing up so fast!!

if there is something in your life that you feel God has asked you to do, but you don't feel qualified at all to do it, then it probably is Him calling you because He doesn't need people who can do everything on their own...he needs obedient and willing people...

so even if those are your only "qualifications", then you get the job!!!



it's worth repeating that you are what you eat...

so tonight i am a delicious olive garden salad, some yummy garlic breadsticks, and Shrimp Caprese.

seriously, i love food!!! i am not a picky eater and just love a great meal, especially when i don't have to cook it or clean it up!

i love when Job says that he desires God's Word even more than food...wow!! I also want the Word of God to be my primary sustenance for my mind and soul... not self-help books, encouraging words from others, or even sermons... all of those are great, but if they are my primary sustenance then i am in trouble because i am relying on others to feed me. i need to feast on God's Word myself!!

are you allowing God's Word to be the food for your mind and soul?? most of us have a hard time neglecting the rumblings of our tummies (especially on Sundays around noon..ha!). Let's hope we also listen to the rumblings of our soul..

when was the last delicious spiritual meal you had??



it's worth repeating that friends are the best resources we have...

i am a pretty straight forward person...so here it is. I have been stressed to the max lately. I have had a hard time enjoying life, my husband, my kids, my friends, everything, because i have just felt so overwhelmed...and irritated that i feel so far behind in life.

today, my husband gave me one of the best gifts i have ever received. it was a notebook filled with notes from my close friends and family that brought me to tears. Each person wrote in their note what I mean to them...yes, the impact i have had on them, or the difference i have made in their lives.

sometimes it is TOO easy to get bogged down with all the monotony of everyday life that we forget that everything we do can be a blessing to someone else...

i felt humbled, loved, and recharged as i read each note. i laughed, cried, and chuckled as i remembered some great times, and thought about some priceless friends...

are you feeling bogged down? overwhelmed? depressed?

remember, your ordinary life can make an extraordinary difference to someone else..
your kind, encouraging word can recharge a dead soul...



it's worth repeating that God gently guides those who have young...

I can't lie...the last two days have been some of the hardest for me as a mother. It seems my children have been able to push every button, make every mess, incur every injury, and fight every battle...and that's just the first five minutes of the day. In fact, as I am writing this, I am wondering how I am going to get up and be a mom again tomorrow.

So tonight, I am praying before I go to bed that God remind me of the blessing my children are to me. I don't say that in a meaningless way. I want to remember the first time I held them, the first time I fed them, the first time they smiled, laughed, peed all over me, and the first time they gave me a kiss...

I need God to be gentle with me tonight, because I am going to bed feeling guilty for saying no so many times today, for yelling when I shouldn't have, for expecting my kids to not get stains on their clothes, etc... I need God to whisper His love to me and give me wisdom in how to raise my children and strength to persevere... I need Him to teach me to be a better parent to the wonderful children He gave me...

So Lord, help me tonight to be reminded of the calling you have placed on my life, the highest calling...to be a mother to my children. I don't want to try to raise them alone...I need Your love, joy, peace, patience, and self-control every step of the way... Forgive me when I fail and help me to get back up in your strength tomorrow and be the mom you have called me to be..

I would love to hear your comments on how God is helping you to raise Your children...



it's worth repeating that one person can make a difference...

yesterday, i watched the movie "Amazing Grace"... yes, i watched an entire movie..two of my children were gone for the day...i did have to rewind it a few times though to catch some parts that i missed because of loud toys or diapers that needed changed, but i did get through the WHOLE thing!!

anyway, it was an incredible work on the life and significance of William Wilberforce. Wilberforce was a political man with spiritual ambitions to end the slave trade in Britain. He worked toward this goal for years without seeing any results...he gave up...he got sick..disappointment, despair set in... but God gave him the grace and strength to see His purpose fulfilled. And because he continued to persevere, the British slave trade came to a halt!!

do you ever feel like you can't make a difference because you are only one person?? do you ever feel like nobody is listening to you??

there are causes in my mind that are worth fighting for...abused children, abortion, battered women, prayer in public schools...but i hear this voice mocking me, saying "who would listen?" and "what could you really do?".

if you have ever felt this way, i encourage you to watch this movie and be encouraged once again that one person can make a difference..

someone once said that you and God are always a majority!!!



It's worth repeating that you become what you think about..

I am an obsessive thinker..I analyze and reanalyze everything--especially when it comes to making decisions. Sometimes it's a good thing because I step back and look at all the pro's and con's before I make a life-altering decision. On the other hand, there are some things I don't want to over think all the time, like what to wear, where to eat, what others think about me...

One of the bad things about being an obsessive thinker is that I often think too much about my own weaknesses, or faults, past mistakes, or what God has for my future instead of just resting in Him and believing that He holds me in the palm of His hand.

So, I have to make a daily decision to believe that what God says about me is true, and then let my feelings about myself line up with the facts!!

Do you struggle with thoughts in your head about insecurities and past mistakes? Do you have a hard time believing that what God says about you is true?

God says you are "more than a conqueror", "a royal priest", and His child. He has clothed you with the righteousness of Christ, and has things for your future that are beyond your wildest imagination...

So, now what will you think about?? Remember, that's what you will become..


it's worth repeating that you become like those you surround yourself with...

I am so thankful for great parents, patient mentors, honest (yet loving) friends, "fired up" young adults and students. Everywhere I look, I am challenged by those I surround myself with to be all that God has called me to be...

most of the time i am surrounded by my 3 children, who can in a span of 10 minutes, inspire me, motivate me, frustrate me, bless me, and crack me up!! never a dull moment! annie inspires me to live life to the fullest, kaitie teaches me to take risks, and nash reminds me to SMILE!!

I also hope that those whose circle of influence I am in feel that I bring life and support and love and joy to their lives. I hope that Christ living in me inspires others to be the man or woman God has destined them to be.. i want to be a life-giver, and not an energy-drainer!

So, who are you surrounding yourself with?? And what kind of influence do you have on others?