Welcome to my blog!

My blog is personal. It's real. It's about me. It's about life's struggles. It's about amazing grace. Relentless hope. Second Chances. True Recovery. It's my journey. Thanks for joining me!


it's worth repeating that man was not created to be an island to himself....

so often i have told people that they need to reach out for help if they need something. they can't expect to be able to dolife on their own. God intended us to live in relationship with one another and to bear eachother's burdens... sounds like i am preaching... TO MYSELF!!

isn't it interesting how easy it is to use cliches and quotes to help others but to totally overlook them for yourself...

sometimes we don't even realize how much we are sinking until someone pulls us out and we remember what it was like to stand on solid ground again...

i thank God today for people who recognize when I am spent and need a break... so many people make my life better because they make my well-being their business...and they reach out to me even when i am too proud to reach to them...and to them i say thanks in a big way!!!

do you need others around you to lift you up?? don't be afraid to ask for prayer, support, encouragement, and friendship...

let someone be a blessing to you today..you will be glad you did...


1 comment:

Matt Valantine said...

i love your blog! you are hot!