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My blog is personal. It's real. It's about me. It's about life's struggles. It's about amazing grace. Relentless hope. Second Chances. True Recovery. It's my journey. Thanks for joining me!


it's worth repeating that kids grow up TOO fast...

today i had a bittersweet moment. i have known for a long time that i have to cut my little Nash's hair..he is our youngest baby and turned one in june. his hair was getting longer and longer and i just didn't want to cut it because i didn't want him to look grown up. every baby boy i had seen that had gotten their hair cut just all the sudden looked like little men and not babies anymore.

so as i started cutting nash's hair today i had a hard time. it took me a while to make the first cut. after about10 minutes i had to call matt to come home and give me some support, both emotional and physical. (it is not easy to keep a 13 month old sitting still for very long and i didn't want to cut off his ear!)

our oldest daughter annie couldn't handle it. she just started crying and wouldn't stop. she kept saying that he looks too different now and she doesn't recognize him. she was mad at us for cutting it....

in the end, we cut off a lot of hair, and we made some memories, and my little baby now looks like a toddler...

time is such a gift..we can't get minutes, hours, days, months or years back... once my little kids become big kids, and then young adults, and then old adults, i hope i can look back and know that i gave my time, one of the best gifts i can give, to my children...

where do you spend the bulk of your time?? make time today for the people you love!


1 comment:

Joe Cotter said...

I felt the same way when you got your first trim, then the first day of school, the first musical, solo at church - or duet "The Kingdom Belongs to You", the first missionettes award, school award.....8th grade grad....high school start and end....the drive to college.....and on and on.

I tried to treasure every moment! Having 3 older one who had grown quickly, I had learned the value of time and to slow down to enjoy every precious moment. Still do. It's been a wonderful quest and worth every minute.

Treasure every small moment. It's worth repeating....life on earth is really very short, so enjoy the moments with the little ones.

My Love, Pop