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My blog is personal. It's real. It's about me. It's about life's struggles. It's about amazing grace. Relentless hope. Second Chances. True Recovery. It's my journey. Thanks for joining me!


it's worth repeating that perfect love casts out all fear.

fear is such a gripping emotion. it is one of the strongest emotions humans can feel..ranking right up there with anger.

fear can be legitimate. when i am going up the first hill of a roller coaster, i feel fear. when i almost get in a car accident, i feel fear. when my husband tells me he is cooking dinner, i feel great fear!!

fear can also be irrational, though. we fear that we are going to fail in life. we fear that we are not good enough to have God's love and forgiveness. we live with the fear that something awful is lurking around the corner. we can even fear feeling fear and anxiety!! talk about a trap!

i have felt the trap of fear before. it consumed my mind and wouldn't let me enjoy the special moments of life.

life can throw many curveballs our way. we have to choose to turn away from fear and turn ourselves to see God's face!

don't let fear hold you captive. take risks! enjoy the abundant life Christ died to give you!! make those thoughts of fear bow down to the Prince of peace!!


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