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My blog is personal. It's real. It's about me. It's about life's struggles. It's about amazing grace. Relentless hope. Second Chances. True Recovery. It's my journey. Thanks for joining me!


A Cleansing Change

It's worth repeating that change is a necessary evil...

Wow!! There are not many people who like, and even embrace, change. Most people order the same things at the same restaurants the same night of every week! We rarely try new foods because we are not sure if we will like the taste. We don't reach out to new friends because we are comfortable right where we are and don't want to risk rejection.

I am in the midst of HUGE change right now. The Lord has asked me to step away from everything that is comfortable to go into uncharted territory. I don't know exactly what lies ahead, but I am going to go on this adventure with God and with my family.

Matt and I and the kids will be moving next month to Delaware, Ohio to become lead pastors of Lifepoint church! We are excited for the opportunities, but also struggling with having to leave where we are.

I am going to be blogging about the feelings that come with change and also giving you updates on what is going on with our move and new opportunities.

Today, I am just feeling a bit overwhelmed with having to pack up our home and move again. Since we moved to Bowling Green a little over 3 years ago, we have added two children and a hamster and a whole lot more stuff to our household. So the organizing and sorting and purging has begun.

You know, it's good to sort through all the stuff in our hearts and minds sometimes and purge those things that don't belong. We carry around past failures, current fears, unconfessed sin, and all kinds of hurts and wounds. Those things can weigh us down so heavily that we forget what it means to serve the Lord with joy...life becomes a chore.

What do you need to give God for good?? THe Bible says to throw off all the things that weigh us down and keep us trapped... So it's time for a change!!!


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