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My blog is personal. It's real. It's about me. It's about life's struggles. It's about amazing grace. Relentless hope. Second Chances. True Recovery. It's my journey. Thanks for joining me!


Get some sleep!

it's worth repeating that a good night's sleep can cure almost anything...

I have had a few rough days...with thinking about leaving our youth ministry, with packing, with thinking about leaving friends, with trying to find a place to live... just thinking a lot about a lot of things.. and the enemy was really getting the best of me..

Monday, my sweet little Kaitlyn created amazing artwork with PERMANENT marker on our carpet, our rocking chair, my son's dresser and crib, not to mention herself and her brother...

Today, she locked herself in the bathroom and I had to call someone to come get her out...

On top of that, I barely slept for two nights in a row...

I am a person who NEEDS sleep to function. I need sleep to have the strength to deal with the little surprises and BIG messes that my little blessings make! I need sleep to have the perseverance to fight the enemy when he is trying to devour my soul.

Sometimes we can overspiritualize things and think that if we just prayed more, or read our Bible more, or memorized more scripture, or said more faith statements, we could make it through anything...prayer does help, the Bible is our food, faith is good...but we are also human and need rest. Last night, I went to bed early, fell asleep reading my Bible, and then woke up ready to face the day with God's help and a rested mind.

If you are tired or worn out, maybe it is not because you are a failing Christian with not much faith..maybe it's because you are a tired human who needs some rest...so get some!!


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