Welcome to my blog!

My blog is personal. It's real. It's about me. It's about life's struggles. It's about amazing grace. Relentless hope. Second Chances. True Recovery. It's my journey. Thanks for joining me!


thank you, thank you

it's worth repeating that where God guides, He provides...

I know it sounds almost cheesy, and I am one who shies away from "corny", "rhymy" sayings because they don't sound sincere, but this one is true!

my husband, matt, and I, and our 3 children, are getting ready to embark on a new, crazy, scary journey with God to lead pastor a church that needs a new chance... i am scared to go, sad to leave where we are, and overwhelmed with moving our entire family, but God has still been very faithful.

we were in columbus yesterday for a sectional minister's meeting where our sectional presbyter (konan) said that his church was going to make a financial commitment to Lifepoint church (our new church) to help get it going again...that is so God because He is taking care of His church. That same day, someone bought our lunch, and then bought our coffees at Starbucks. The whole day God was just providing. That night (last night), we found a home to rent...we have been looking for a while and it has been very frustrating, but God has provided for us again what we need for our family.

we also talked to our new DYD (district youth director) and he was a great comfort to me. he was saying how when he left youth ministry that it was very painful to him and he would cry just thinking about it...i think he might have started to tear up just talking about it with us. anyway, it helped me to know that i am not just a crazy hormonal woman for feeling the way i do. he said that i am a great pastor because of the way i feel. it shows how much i love these kids and have invested in them...i will always love them so much and will always care that they are serving the Lord...

i guess i say all that to say that God sees where you are...and He is going to take care of you, too...



Matt Valantine said...

where he guides he provide, and where he leads he feeds (lol)

Jenilee said...

Hey friend! I love finding new blogs! I'm so glad you found a house to rent. looking forward to seeing you again next week... :)