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it's worth repeating that when all else fails, God doesn't...

actually i'm not sure i have ever heard that said that way but i have heard Jesus never fails, and God has never made a promise He hasn't kept...

i was reminded today of what it feels like to have planned things fall apart, to count on people that just don't show up, to have to scramble to make things work....i was tired, emotionally and physically...and in the end, i still needed God to make it work...

But God always provides...

I am a worship leader and tonight my entire band basically couldn't be there, but instrument by instrument i filled the vacant spots throughout the day.  when i got to our service though i still didn't have a drummer...i think he probably told me a while ago that he couldn't be there and i just forgot....unfortunately, though my two other drummers didn't tell me they were going to be gone, so i thought, well that's it...i have worked all day on this only for it to fail because we have no drummer for our youth service and we are 1 hour from it starting...

But God always provides...

one of our youth leaders just interrupted our rehearsal and asked if i would want him to play the drums until someone else showed up that could do it...i said definitely.  the musician side of me was worried, but the "doing my best to trust God" side of me was thinking God filled the spot... it turned out he did an awesome job and played for the service.

my plans failed..God's didn't..  So, God still has never broken a promise..he always provides for our needs...

what are you worried about that seems to be failing?  put your trust in God because when all else fails, he doesn't...


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