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My blog is personal. It's real. It's about me. It's about life's struggles. It's about amazing grace. Relentless hope. Second Chances. True Recovery. It's my journey. Thanks for joining me!


it's worth repeating that God gently guides those who have young...

I can't lie...the last two days have been some of the hardest for me as a mother. It seems my children have been able to push every button, make every mess, incur every injury, and fight every battle...and that's just the first five minutes of the day. In fact, as I am writing this, I am wondering how I am going to get up and be a mom again tomorrow.

So tonight, I am praying before I go to bed that God remind me of the blessing my children are to me. I don't say that in a meaningless way. I want to remember the first time I held them, the first time I fed them, the first time they smiled, laughed, peed all over me, and the first time they gave me a kiss...

I need God to be gentle with me tonight, because I am going to bed feeling guilty for saying no so many times today, for yelling when I shouldn't have, for expecting my kids to not get stains on their clothes, etc... I need God to whisper His love to me and give me wisdom in how to raise my children and strength to persevere... I need Him to teach me to be a better parent to the wonderful children He gave me...

So Lord, help me tonight to be reminded of the calling you have placed on my life, the highest calling...to be a mother to my children. I don't want to try to raise them alone...I need Your love, joy, peace, patience, and self-control every step of the way... Forgive me when I fail and help me to get back up in your strength tomorrow and be the mom you have called me to be..

I would love to hear your comments on how God is helping you to raise Your children...


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