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Temper Tantrums

it's worth repeating that your reactions speak a lot louder about your character than your actions do...

i actually hate this thought, because often my reactions are not in line with where i think i should be spiritually.  it's much easier to act like a child of God, and some of us are really good actors, than it is to REact like a child of God...  

OUCH!  I really want to respond to my husband, my children, my parents, my in-laws, and everyone i meet the way God would have me respond even when i am frustrated or having a bad day... 

as a pastor, and pastor's wife, i am sometimes under immense pressure to perform, it seems, as if my life is perfect, and everything is just fine.. anyone who has ever spent any length of time with me can tell you that i am not perfect, my kids are not perfect, and i don't have it all together.  there are days i feel like throwing in the towel, like throwing a fit, and like throwing some object at someone else!  see, i told you i am not perfect at all...

God has really been challenging me to look at my reactions to people, and stop making excuses, like i am tired, i have had a bad day, my kids are just driving me crazy.. and to let the fruit of His Spirit shine through me in ALL my reactions...

I tired of "act"ing a role...I want all my actions and my reactions to glorify God and to point people to Him...

anybody with me??


1 comment:

Jenilee said...

I am with you!!! It is so hard to respond the right way all the time. I had a friend tell me yesturday that she started praying this everyday. "Lord, help me to have the patience with my kids today that you have with me every day." What a great prayer! See you on Thursday!