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it's a bleeder!

it's worth repeating that head injuries bleed more than any other injury...

wow! today was injury day in the valantine home. i can not count how many times one of the kids fell on the floor, tripped over something, fell off the couch, ran into something, etc... it was a crazy day!

the worst injury award of the day goes to Kaitlyn, my 2 year old, who tried to flip over the arm of the couch and landed on the fireplace with her head..OUCH! Annie, our oldest, never took risks like that, so I had never seen a head injury before...and I would not have seen it had the blood not been flowing in Kaitlyn's hair... pretty soon, she had blood on her hands, I had blood on my clothes and face, and her hair was matted with it... I quickly began to clean the area so I could see whether we needed to make a hospital run, but the cut wasn't that big, it was just a bleeder... I was worried though, so I kept a close eye on her to make sure she didn't do anything out of the ordinary, which is very hard since Kaitlyn is always doing things out of the ordinary...she seems fine now though...

It amazed me how quickly Kait was ready to start jumping around and taking risks again after she had just gotten so hurt... She bled a lot of blood...she screamed in horror...and then she got back up and wanted to be active again..

It reminded me that I need to get back up and take risks after I fail and even get hurt... so do you... keep trying, keep failing, keep taking risks, and don't ever stay down...


1 comment:

Daisy McCrary said...

So Good Amanda! You are a great writer. I am reflecting on how I made it through English Lit. with your help. like Johnny C. Maxwell says, "If you fall down you might as well pick up something while your down there. Fail forward."

Have you guys thought about going to Jeanne Mayo's conference next year?