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My blog is personal. It's real. It's about me. It's about life's struggles. It's about amazing grace. Relentless hope. Second Chances. True Recovery. It's my journey. Thanks for joining me!


may 5

it's worth repeating that "I must pray what is in me, not what I wish was in me."

Have you ever taken a good look at your prayer life and wished it was so much better? have you seen other Christ-followers who just seem to have a connection to the Father through prayer, and wonder how they go there. Maybe you are discouraged about your prayer time with God.

When I was growing up, our Pastor would invite one of the board members to come to th pulpit and pray every week for the offering and other needs of the church body. Most of these men had an extensive "spiritual" vocabulary, and the thought would go through my head that they were the most Christian people I knew. They really knew how to pray.

But then I would hear someone pray a simple prayer...a child praying for the salvation of a family member, a newer believer just spilling out their feelings, a teenager just saying it like it is to God....and I knew their prayers were sincere too.

There have been many times I have felt that if I could just pray better, maybe God would pay more attention. Or if I woldn't getg so dstiracted while I'm praying, maybe I could get the point across to God. Or if I could just make sure to have a set time to pray everyday, I could establish shuch an intimate connection with the Father.

But the greatest lesson I ever learned came from God's Word..."In everything, by prayer...make your requests to God." I can about at any time, in any place, about anything. I can pray when my kids aren't getting along, and when there's not enough in the bank account to cover the bill that just arrived. I can pray when I'm in a bad mood, or when I am even disappointed or disillusioned with God's plan for my life. And....I can be honest with God...completely real. I don't have to be anything I'm not...

Just talk to the Father today...in everything.


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