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My blog is personal. It's real. It's about me. It's about life's struggles. It's about amazing grace. Relentless hope. Second Chances. True Recovery. It's my journey. Thanks for joining me!


april 28

it's worth repeating that , "if you think taking care of yourself physically isn't "spiritual", think again!"

I love it when people go to McDonald's, Wendy's, Arby's, Taco Bell, etc... and order a huge, fat-laden meal, supersize it, then proceed to order a DIET coke!! Haha!! If you are one of those people, don't be offended, I just find it amusing.

It is sad that often times it takes a MAJOR wake-up call--stroke, heart attack, cancer, diabetes--to cause someone to start to take care of themselves. If we would treat our bodies with respect out of respect to our Heavenly Father, we may be able to avoid these horrible diagnoses. Now there are some cases where someone is just given a terrible prognosis, and they have taken extremely good care of themselves...but this is not rule..it's the exception.

Okay, so where does this get spiritual?? God has called each of us to a purpose, something He designed us to do for His glory to be revealed through us. If we are "sick", tired all the time, and weak...How can we fulfill His purpose for us??

Today, decide to not put yourself on the bench in this game of life by taking poor care of yourself. Be healthy...body, mind, and soul...in Jesus, and for the Kingdom of God...


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