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My blog is personal. It's real. It's about me. It's about life's struggles. It's about amazing grace. Relentless hope. Second Chances. True Recovery. It's my journey. Thanks for joining me!


april 1

it's worth repeating that "we spend our strength extinguishing fires that, if left alone, would burn out on their own."

With 3 young children at home, I spend a good amount of my day keeping them from physically harming one another...funny, but true. One takes a toy from the other, so that child finds a way to make the other child pay for their theft. And it usually involves some form of hitting or screaming. You get the point.

I have learned recently to let them work it out at times, and not intervene every time I hear an increase in volume and urgency in their voices. They need to learn how to be kind and respectful of each other, and sometimes they need to get through it on their own. There are still those times that Mom must intervene and extinguish the fire.

I was thinking today that if we would all do our part by being peacemakers then there wouldn't have to be so much time extinguishing fires... Just some food for thought!


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