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june 19

it's worth repeating that "a man's wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense."

I am always so challenged by the book of Proverbs. I don't know what your life pursuits and goals are, but one of mine is to "get wisdom"! I want to always be growing in my knowledge of God and continue to become wiser in His ways. Every day, I try to read a chapter to go along with that day of the month. So today, I am in Proverbs 19, and as usual, several verses jumped out at me, but especially this one.

There is no doubt that if there is a formula for patience, I want it. So if wisdom will bring me patience, then I want more wisdom to get more patience. Really, what this is saying is the more we understand ourselves and our own tendencies to sin, the more patience we can have toward others and even ourselves. Even God is patient with us, because He doesn't want any of us to perish, but ALL of us to come to repentance!! Do you find yourself lacking patience with your own growth or with those around you? Get wisdom from God in His word. And be honest with yourself...you need people to be patient with you, so give them the same grace.

When we realize that we can be more patient with others, we will then do something awesome. We will offer grace and forgiveness, instead of judgment and anger. We will overlook offenses in other people's lives. We will not hold every "wrongdoing" and hurt against those we love. This is to YOUR glory if you can overlook an offense. Honestly, it is so rare to see someone just let something go, that people will take notice when you do!! And then, God also will get glory. (Matthew 5:16)

After all, who doesn't wish sometimes that people could overlook the mistakes we make and not keep a log book of our wrongs? I know I wish for that!


1 comment:

Shellie Stephens said...

Wow, this is awesome. I wish I could get some of my family to take note of this. They have held a grudge for years and won't talk to my grandma. It is so wrong. It hurts my grandma and she is 78 years old. Why can't my aunt and cousin (my grandmas granddaughter) put the past in the past once and for all and forgive things said and talk to my grandma and love her before its too late? I just want to shake this family of mine! P.S. I know I am not perfect either, but I do overlook some things that are said and let them go over my shoulder. I want a relationship with my grandma and I do have one and I am blessed to have a relationship with her. Some of my family should be too.