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My blog is personal. It's real. It's about me. It's about life's struggles. It's about amazing grace. Relentless hope. Second Chances. True Recovery. It's my journey. Thanks for joining me!


march 17

it's worth repeating that "standing on that (God's promises) won't keep you from getting scared or soaked, but it'll keep you from sinking."

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all my Irish friends and not-so-Irish friends!! Don't forget to wear green today so you don't get pinched!!

As I was reading the devotional today, I was thinking about so many memories, milestones, and past trials in my own life. Some of them came without warning. Some swept over my life, and life me like a limp rag with no bearings whatsoever. Some of them scared me to death.

There were times in the midst of the trial that I questioned God's love, care, support, mercy, etc... I asked questions such as "Where are you, God?", "What did I do to get you so angry with me?", "Why is this happening right now?".

I thought the trial, the fear, the panic, the depression, would never end. But it did. In God's timing, it did. And I was stronger because of it.

God never promised that we wouldn't face trials... He did promise that He would never leave us. He did tell us that we can have courage in the midst of our trials, because He has already overcome this world. (Jn 16:33).

Just know that whatever you are facing today.... God is not shocked by it... He is not scrambling to figure out what to do... He still loves You... He hasn't forgotten you... And He WILL see you through it...

If there is anything you are facing today, please let me know by commenting on this blog, so I can join you in prayer...



Mariah said...

This devotion could not have been more timely for me. Yesterday was a dark and stormy day for me.

When I read this I pictured the disciples doing something they had already done...drive a boat. Then, I pictured a storm coming in the middle and they all of a sudden had an irrational fear that they COULD NOT get to the other side.

This is exactly where I was last night. I was dealing with things already dealt with but all of a sudden a great storm was IN MY FACE, so to speak. Yeah, I have dealt with this before, but I needed the reassurance that Jesus was still at the "stern" of my life.

The first lesson was so instrumental to me last night in praying thru "to the other side". "You must trust what God has told you." I closed my eyes and thought back to the beginning of this trial and the thing that God showed me in His Word, and the first one to come to my mind was this, "I have redeemed you, I have called you by Name, You are mine. When you walk thru the waters (storm), I will be there, and thru the flame. You will not be burned or drowned for I am with you!"

There is "the other side" and God is taking me there on His vessel in His power and I know I will come out stronger on "the other side."

Joe Cotter said...

"Beannachtum na feile Padraig!"