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march 30

it's worth repeating that "He (Jesus) couldn't do both, so He chose to save You."

As I read today's devotional, I found myself wanting to gloss over the story the preacher told.  I think because I felt like I knew where it was going, and I have heard stories like this a hundred times growing up in church.  

I don't like how easy it is for me to hear about God sacrificing His son and to not be stirred by it because I have just gotten used to the idea.  God, forgive me.  I don't want to ever feel like I don't need to hear about Your sacrifice anymore.... I do need to... I need to read it in Your Word.  I need to hear about it in sermons.  I need to understand it more fully to really appreciate it...

Jesus could not save Himself from the cross, without sending us to our own eternal deaths.  Today I was struck by this notion.  The Pharisees were taunting Jesus, mocking Him, almost challenging Him to save Himself.  But they were actually throwing away their only hope of Heaven and true abundant life if Jesus accepted their challenge and came off that cross...

The same Pharisees who were "men of the Law" could not see that this was the Messiah, the One promised to them for so many years.  Maybe it was because they had read about Him so many times that they just glossed over the fact of who He really was.

I pray I don't miss out on "seeing" Jesus because I have just gotten USED to being in church, and hearing about Him.  I still want a fresh encounter with Him...every day.


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