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My blog is personal. It's real. It's about me. It's about life's struggles. It's about amazing grace. Relentless hope. Second Chances. True Recovery. It's my journey. Thanks for joining me!


march 25

it's worth repeating that "if you ask God, He'll give you the grace to minister to your mate."

Has your husband or wife ever been going through something, i.e. sickness, job loss, depressions, grief over a lost loved one,...and you just didn't know what to to do for them.  

Especially if the trial continues, and your spouse doesn't seem to be getting better, we can easily get frustrated and want to either "fix them" or give up on them, and throw the towel in.

There are sometimes when my hubby just has a cold, and I get impatient and want thim to be better so he can help me or contribute to the parenting or housework.  Selfish, I know.

When I went through depression, I did not get better overnight.  In fact, I did not get back to my normal self for months, and I know it was so hard for Matt to continue to live with a depressed spouse all that time.  I was so inwardly focused, which is a symptom of depression, but I thank God that Matt didn't try to fix me or give up on me.  He prayed for me everyday and everytime I asked.  He supported me and was my biggest fan through it all.  He wasn't disappointed in me when I was having a very bad day.  He stuck by me through everything, and to me that made him seem like not just a great husband, but a man after God's caring and compassionate heart.  Thanks again, honey....

What is going on in your marriage right now?  How can you serve your spouse today in their sickness and struggle??  We all made vows to stick through both sickness and health, poorer times and richer times, in the best times and the toughest times.... Just ask God for help, and He will give you the grace to keep loving and serving your spouse...


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