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march 16

it's worth repeating that "every lustful glance damages your marriage bond".

it is sad to see so many marriages in the state they are in. I get tired of hearing the statistics on divorce. My heart hurts when a man or woman tell me of their failing marriage or a mate who is straying away not only from their family, but from God.

Can I just be real? Marriage is not easy. There is work to be done in order to have a fulfilled marriage. Conversations have to be initiated that we would rather just bury. Actions have to be forgiven almost daily in order to keep the marriage on the straight path.

However, if you give up, you will never know the blessing of a GREAT marriage--not a perfect marriage---but a loving, committed, tried-and-true, marriage.

This is a great devotion today on how to keep purity as a priority in your marriage. Take these three verses and memorize them and live by them and you will be on the right road to a pure marriage. (1) "I have made a covenant with my eyes to not look lustfully". (2) Take captive every thought...make it obedient to Christ!" (3) Above all...guard your heart"

If you will make a commitment to live for God by deciding to make these verses a covenant between you and God and your spouse.... there will be blessings in your marriage.

If you are struggling with lust in your marriage, ask God to forgive you, ask God to give you a pure heart, and begin to live by these verses.

If you need to talk to someone, do it!! It's okay to reach out for help....


1 comment:

Joe Cotter said...

AMEN!!! Thanks for your blog time!