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march 19

it's worth repeating that the voice of fear doesn't play fair.

The NCAA tournament is upon us!! One of my favorite sporting events of the year...even the underdog has a chance to win the title!! Most every game comes down to the wire, and you never know who is going to emerge as the "cinderella" team. For some of these teams, their "Road to the Final Four" seems impossible. They would have to play and defeat some of the strongest teams in the nation. These stronger teams will work to exploit their offense, and overpower and outsmart their defense. And if they're not careful they can lose the game even before they get to the court. They can listen to the media, bracketologists, and even smack-talkers from other teams and decide they don't have a chance. They could give into the voices around them that say there is NO WAY you could defeat this or that team. They could give into fear....

You see, fear cripples us before we even enter the arena. We have already been defeated in our minds before we even try. Fear tells us that we have failed before and that because of who we are we can never be successful or victorious. We have to say NO to fear and YES to the truth of God's Word.

We have to change the radio tuner in our heads to hearing God's voice in the midst of this madness. As we seek Him, He will speak to us... We need to zone in on His voice and tune out the voice of fear. He will speak to You! You don't have to be afraid when He is on your side!!

What are you afraid of today that is keeping you from getting in the game?? Don't let fear keep you from living out the abundant life God has planned for you...He promises never to harm us...but to give us hope and a future!!


1 comment:

Mariah said...

So true! So true! Just to think of all we would accomplish or even risk if we didn't have so much fear!