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My blog is personal. It's real. It's about me. It's about life's struggles. It's about amazing grace. Relentless hope. Second Chances. True Recovery. It's my journey. Thanks for joining me!


march 11

it's worth repeating that "Promotion comes from God".

Psalm 75:7 says that it is God who brings one down, and who exalts another.

So often in our culture people feel as though they have to promote themselves to get anywhere in life. We have learned that we must BOAST about ourselves for people to notice us. You know what's awesome about God...you don't have to be the BEST in your field, or the WISEST in your age bracket to be promoted in His kingdom. He wants the glory to go to Him so, often, He promotes those who will keep no glory for themselves.

When God promotes you, there may be those around you that don't like it. However, remember God is not only your promoter, He is your defender. You don't have to defend what God is doing in your life, just continue to walk in humility and obedience before Him. He will give you everything you need to get the job done!

When you tell someone, especially family or close friends, that God has called you or promoted you, you may hear the question, "God has called YOU? God has promoted YOU?" Don't be alarmed. It's hard to not take it personally. But whenever we follow God we should expect rejection. Often times family members and close friends know our weaknesses and think there is no way God would promote us or call us. They think we just want to promote ourselves. But the Bible says that the One who has called you is faithful!!!

Maybe God has promoted you or called you and you are feeling some rejection from those who are close to you... Maybe you, yourself, feel unqualified for what He has called you to do...

Just know that He knows what He is doing, and will give you all the grace You need to do what He has asked you to do, so STEP OUT in faith!!


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