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My blog is personal. It's real. It's about me. It's about life's struggles. It's about amazing grace. Relentless hope. Second Chances. True Recovery. It's my journey. Thanks for joining me!


Perpetual Pleasure vs Perpetual Hope

Samuel Johnson said, "The human mind moves not from pleasure to pleasure but from hope to hope."

Let's be real.  If you have lived more than a day, you have probably had moments that were not pleasurable.  Moments of disappointment, betrayal, confusion, anxiety, despair.  We may be permitted to pursue happiness, but happiness rarely pursues us.  Many live stressful days, weeks, years.  So many are plagued by disease.  Hurt by those who "love" them.  Abandoned by friends and family.  Drowning in a sea of financial chaos.

Sounds like something I want to sign up for...ha!  We really don't get a choice.  Life happens.

We do have a choice whether to choose hope in the midst of our circumstances.  We may not see a way around our circumstances, but God has promised to be with us and near us as we navigate the difficulties of this life.  Hope is certain of one thing.  God WILL get us through.  Hope helps us see a light at the end of the proverbial tunnel when all the happenings around us point to utter darkness.

So, if you find yourself today going from trial to trial, don't despair.  God is taking you from hope to hope, and his hope doesn't disappoint.


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