Welcome to my blog!

My blog is personal. It's real. It's about me. It's about life's struggles. It's about amazing grace. Relentless hope. Second Chances. True Recovery. It's my journey. Thanks for joining me!



It's worth repeating that "Three-fourths of receiving anything from God is being convinced God wants us to have it." (Steve Sampson, You Can Hear the Voice of God)

When I read this quote, my mind automatically doubts. I am such an analytical person, that to say that exactly 75% of receiving from God is being convinced He wants us to receive, I think, How can you give such an exact number?

However, in my own journey, I am learning many lessons about faith and could attest to the verity of this statement. One lesson is that I tend to have more faith for others than I do for myself... Sure, God wants to heal Joe-Bob, and He wants to provide for Sally-Jane, but when it comes right down to it, I am not always convinced He wants to do those things FOR ME!!

So for me, faith has become not just believing that God can and will, but that He wants to!!! He wants to heal ME, He wants to restore ME, He wants to speak to ME...

I love the story in the Gospel of Matthew about the leper. The leper says to Jesus that if Jesus WANTS TO, he could make Him clean. And Jesus simply says, "I want to. Be clean." He WANTS TO!

That gives me such encouragement and builds my faith... It CONVINCES me that God wants to move on my behalf...

Are you convinced??? Your own "convincing" could be the key to unlock the door of receiving all God has for you... at least it's 75% of it!!


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