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Grading My Diet

It's worth repeating from 1 Corinthians 8:8 (MSG), "Fortunately God doesn't grade us on our diet." And we all heaved a sigh of relief for that one!!

I know that is kindof a tongue-in-cheek way of looking at this scripture, but the truth is some of us think God is our schoolteacher who gives us a grade for everything we do. Sometimes we get a failing grade and sometimes a passing grade. We feel really confident when we are passing, and really crappy (pardon the term) when we are failing. This is a dangerous mentality to have!!

When we live out of this self-righteous mentality, we cheapen grace...we cheapen Christ. In and of ourselves, there is nothing we can do to earn God's approval... we already have it. He gives us an "A" because of Jesus, not because of our own merits.

For someone like me, this seems too good to be true. I am a "performer". I perform for approval, whether man's or God's. Somedays I am on top of the world, and other days the world is on top of me, depending on how I think I have performed. To be released from the "grade-earning" mentality is so freeing, in theory. However, it is very difficult for someone like me to live in that freedom.. maybe you are in the same boat..the same sinking boat, where you are rowing and rowing to keep the boat afloat in your own strength... hoping God will give you a pat on the back, an "A" for being so strong!!

Today, God wants to being to free you AND me from the performance-based life and transplant us into a grace-based life... can't you just feel the peace in that life?? I give it an "A+".

I would love to hear your feedback on this...


1 comment:

Janet said...

Yeah, Amanda. I read you! I've had a lot more years to practice performance mentality and it stinks. Even the 21 day fast didn't meet my standard of holiness--oh gosh! really? It shouldn't have if it met Father's. Yes, I struggle. Glad you're taking the time to look at this--or even better to allow Holy Spirit to do the gentle exam and prompt appropriate change.