Welcome to my blog!

My blog is personal. It's real. It's about me. It's about life's struggles. It's about amazing grace. Relentless hope. Second Chances. True Recovery. It's my journey. Thanks for joining me!


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It's worth repeating that "Not only has He (Jesus) released us from slavery to sin but also from the bondage of having to prove our worth". 

That is a loaded statement.  The world we live in is so big on SUCCESS and accomplishments that we sometimes think we have to be successful or accomplished to be valuable.  Not true!

Your worth is not based on your merit, but on the work of Jesus Christ on the cross. 

So many people spend so much time, energy, money to look valuable so they can feel valuable.  But they only end up frustrated and in despair because their worth is based on what they FEEL about themselves, or how others feel about them, and feelings change with the wind.

Having to prove your worth, or be approved of by everyone, is BONDAGE!!  It will chain you up and make you its slave.  You will worship the idol of approval and you will pay for it.  Your sleep will be disturbed, your relationships surface-level, your emotions fried.  It is an empty, unfulfilled life to always be seeking approval and value.

Let me just state it clearly.  You are valuable.  You are acceptable.  You are approved.  Not because of what you've made of yourself, but because Jesus made Himself nothing, so He could free you from the bondage of approval addiction!

Stop trying to prove you are worthy, and start praising God because of who you are IN CHRIST!!



Craig said...

So very true. So very hard to live by in this culture.

SHIRAH said...

What a priceless reminder that we NEED everyday. To think that some believers have gone after the world in the name of having to be "somebody?" in the eyes of everyone around them.It is BONDAGE. This culture is a beggarly element that has no power if the believers check NO- and say NO! :)
What ever happened to OUR culture- Matthew 6:33? which describes THE-Kingdom livestyle????
In HIM, Col 1:10
http://takefive musicians.com

Dustin Shane said...

Okay, so I saw your blog and it is obvious that you are a Child of the King. Praise the Lord!!! I am a Christian broadcaster/podcaster from GA. I have been involved in broadcasting for several years and I have just recently completely took over the reins of a Christian podcast from my media outlet. My podcast is now independent and I am trying to rebuild the listner base. I am Graduate of Liberty University. And I am looking for people to blog with who are like minded. Please check out my blog. My podcast is on my blog space. Please follow my blog and leave comments. Grace and Peace