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My blog is personal. It's real. It's about me. It's about life's struggles. It's about amazing grace. Relentless hope. Second Chances. True Recovery. It's my journey. Thanks for joining me!


march 2

it's worth repeating that you can't base your worth on the opinions of those who put you down...

there was a time in my life that i struggled with "approval addiction". Instead of focusing on who God had made me, and what He had asked me to do, and His favor in my life, I became wrapped up, and eventually "entangled" in, other's opinions of me. I would lay in bed at night and think about what so-and-so said, and why. I would work extra hard to show that person that I was a nice, good, hard-working, knowledgeable person. Most of the time their opinion didn't change, but I became burned out and disillusioned from trying so hard to be ME.

God has called us to see ourselves in His light and through Jesus. If we get tripped up by every negative word, we will never be able to walk straight in the path God has made for our lives.

On a side note, we should open ourselves up to accountability, but this should be with people we trust who speak to us with a motive of love...

Is the opinion of others about you sucking the life out of your day?? your work?? your dreams?? Are you spending your energies trying to please God with your life, marriage, work...or making others happy. When we live for God, and walk in His way, people will not always "like" us, but we must still serve Christ!!



Jenilee said...

Great word, girl! Love it! and, it is so true! we must strive to please HIM! I've been going through some things as well and knowing that my confidence and validation comes from God has been so incredible this past week. Great to have you blogging again! :)

Matt Valantine said...

great word, preacher!

as i read today's devo, i was reminded of a great truth/principle i heard that goes along with hype.

"never believe your own hype!"

you are never as good as people say & never as bad as people say! how true!

in the end, it really doesn't matter what people are saying, it matters what God thinks of us.

by the way . . . my approval rating for you is off the charts! 100% rating babe!