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march 23

it's worth repeating that "if you've been traveling the road to success but neglected to bring your family along with you, make a U-turn."

Don't you just love alarm clocks, and wake-up calls? They make sure you stay on track for your day's schedule.

This devotional today is a wake-up call to all parents--especially to me. I love my children. They are such blessings. There are times, though, that I think of only MY dreams, and MY desires. And when I let myself get caught up in that way of thinking, I start to think of my children more as burdens than blessings. And I am sure it is reflected in my attitude, long-suffering, and temperament with them.

I don't ever want to assume that my children know that I love them.... I want to make sure they know that I love them and that I am so thankful to be their mom.

I want to honor God by being the mom that He desires me to be for my children.... So, Lord "I need your help, especially in my home." (Ps 101:2 TLB)

Take time today to show the love of God to your children....and to show them your love for them, too!!


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