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My blog is personal. It's real. It's about me. It's about life's struggles. It's about amazing grace. Relentless hope. Second Chances. True Recovery. It's my journey. Thanks for joining me!


march 5

it's worth repeating that "you can't fight spiritual battles with carnal weapons and hope to win."

I heard a preacher once say that the moment you ask Jesus to take over your life, you have put a target on your back and invited the enemy's attacks. He doesn't want you to serve God--not one day! Do you know what you're up against?

When we treat spiritual problems with physical remedies..we get nowhere.. When we just try harder, think more positively, we can only go so far. We can only defeat the enemy with the weapons God has equipped us with, and then become mighty through prayer.

Are you facing a stronghold in your life? Is there a battle you haven't been able to get the victory over?? Confront that area in the NAME OF JESUS! Don't let it exist in your life anymore!!

Jesus paid the price for you to have the victory!


1 comment:

Mariah said...

Absolutely!!! Keep praising the Lord and lifting Him up and there will be no place for the enemy in your life!!!

Amen girl!!! Love you!