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A year older..A year wiser?

Today is my birthday... Actually by the time you read this, my birthday will be passed.  I am a year older. It amazes me how much happens in just one year.  The people who come into your life.  The people who move out of your life for various reasons.

We added our 4th child since my last birthday.. Sweet Quinn.  She makes me smile EVERY day.  I am so blessed to be her mommy.

I'm so thankful that I have done more than just aged one more year.  Yes, I probably have more wrinkles now, and I now have to have my hair professionally colored to cover the grays.  However, I am wiser than I was last year and further down the road of recovery in my own life.

I am wiser to the enemy's schemes in my life.  I am wiser to the hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit.  I am wiser to who are the safe and unsafe people in my life.  I am wiser because I chose to learn instead of just age.

Have you ever noticed that some folks just age, but never grow in wisdom or in their intimacy with God? They get stuck in a rut year after year.  I have definitely been there. So I don't judge.  I just recognize the destructive patterns and pray that the God's truth and grace wins out in their lives.

I don't mind getting a year older as long as I have something to show for it.  More truth. More wisdom. More fruit. Even more wrinkles..Ha!!

God has been so faithful to me through all 33 of my years on this earth!  I pray that I can be faithful to Him for the rest of my life!

Don't fret birthdays!  Just celebrate the growth and life change you have experienced in one year's time!  God will work in you and through you day after day, week after week, month after month...year after year.


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