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My blog is personal. It's real. It's about me. It's about life's struggles. It's about amazing grace. Relentless hope. Second Chances. True Recovery. It's my journey. Thanks for joining me!


Hope on the Journey

Have you come across a struggle you couldn't overcome?  Have you tried and tried to no avail to live a righteous life for Christ, but find yourself returning to the same sin over and over?

This past week I have been reminded that we can not win a spiritual battle without the Spirit of God.  I don't have enough willpower, physical strength, or emotional energy to put the enemy to flight.  I can't do it.

And that is right where Christ meets me.  At the end of me, when I let Him take over, is when the battle is won.

Recovery is not an easy road.  There are days I want to give up and take an easier path.  I want to live a neutral life so the enemy takes his target off my back.  I want to feel safer.

God never called me to be safe, though.  He called me to be His ambassador, His mouthpiece, His witness.  On this journey, there are times I feel very UNsafe, and I don't like it.  I feel fear.  I feel anxiety. 

The Bible tells us that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. (Phil. 4:13)

There are times I have doubted this verse.  I have not only felt like I could not do ALL things, but I have felt like I couldn't do anything.  

The problem is that I am relying on my own strength to accomplish, instead of relying on Christ's strength in me.  I try to defeat sin with my own willpower. Not possible.  I try to find peace through a coping mechanism.  Not true peace.

Because the Spirit of God lives inside of me, He can do all things through me.  But apart from Him, I can do NO thing that is good and pleasing to God.  

Do you find yourself there?  Are you at the end of your rope?

Go ahead and let go and know that your life will become an overcoming life when you stop trying so hard to win on your own and let the Holy Spirit be the Holy Spirit in and through you.  Christ will live His life through you if you will stop trying to be a perfect Christian in your own strength.

God is FOR you...and so am I!


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