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Big Feet, Small Feet

It's worth repeating Job in Job 23:11, "I've followed Him closely, my feet in his footprints, not once swerving from His way."

I have small feet... This, as far as I am concerned, is a good thing! Usually, it's the really small sizes and the giant scary sizes (to me) that are left over at the clearance shoe sales... so I tend to be able to get good deals on shoes! In the last year, I was getting hand-me-downs from my 12 year old niece... and i love free stuff! Soon, I will probably be able to wear the same size as my own daughter... and I am all about saving a buck!

This winter, with the crazy snowfall we've had, has given me yet another reason to love my small feet... When I go to walk a path in the knee-high snow, I tend to trip and fall, but when I walk in the footprints of my husband, who has much bigger feet than I do, the way is much easier, and my feet, and the rest of me, stay a lot warmer and drier.

I love what Job says about following the Lord closely, putting his feet in our Shepherd's footprints. There is so much peace in that for me. I follow behind and put my little feet in the huge feet of the knowing, caring, "has my best in mind" Shepherd. Sometimes He leads through easy pastures, sometimes through the Valley of Death... but I do not have to fear because He is leading me...

I run into problems when I get out in front and try to forge the path on my own... I lose my direction... I am not sure where I am heading and how to get there... I make decisions that end up harming me because the Shepherd was not leading me... I was trying to lead myself..

I encourage you today, and encourage myself once again, to let the Shepherd get out in front... let Him lead you... you FOLLOW him... into paths of righteousness, by still waters, through the valleys, and up to the mountains... He knows the way... you just put your feet in His footprints..


1 comment:

My journey said...

Amanda, I miss you so much! I love reading your posts! I can hear your voice as I read it and it makes me smile! love ya! Keep 'em coming! I am going to start one, just have to wait until I have some free time.