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Forgotten...and Remembered

It's worth repeating that, "We tend to remember what we should forget and forget what we should remember." (Mark Batterson, blog)

Happy New Year!!

At the end of every year, most of us tend to reflect on the past year's accomplishments, failures, great moments, and painful memories.  It's easy to relive each moment as if we were living in it once again.  This can truly be both a blessing and a curse.

This year, I hope you will resolve to forget those things that need forgetting.  Don't keep a list of every wrong that was done to you, every hurtful word, every argument.  AND Don't keep a list of all your failures.  Allow yourself to accept the past year for what it was, and walk in the blessing of a New Year, a new opportunity for God to work His purposes in your life, a new hope for the best year ever.

Also, resolve to remeber the important things.  Most importantly, who you are in Christ.  You are accepted, you are chosen, you are a saint, and you are dearly loved!!  You are everything He has made you to be, and no less.  You have a purpose and He can accomplish it through you.  Don't forget to remember what Christ has done for you.  His death gives you an all-access pass to the Father.  That is definitely a relationship worth building in this new year!!

This year I hope you will forget what you should forget and remember what you should remember!!



pol said...

I think I understand what you say, but i cannot agree with "forget your mistakes, forget your failures".
Mistakes are what makes us improve.

Think about it as if you were lost in a dark place and you start walking. Good accomplishments and successes tell you you're going into the right direction. Mistakes and failures tell you you are going into the wrong direction. In that sense, mistakes a failures are as much important as successes and good acomplishments.
If you forget your failures and mistakes, you take the risk of walking into that wrong direction again.

Also Jesus loves you with all your mistakes and failures, for they make you human.

Of course I agree with you in that point: you shouldn't focus too much on your failures and mistakes. You did them, and this you should always remember, but you have changed since then, so you should forgive you as Jesus forgives you.

Amanda Valantine said...

thanks for your comment, pol...

i understand your approach as well... I mean "forget" in a sense that you son't let your mistakes keep you back, because you are always focused on regret, shame, and guilt... after all, as humans, it is hard for us to forget anything that has made an indelible impression on us... however, we need to be more forgetful when it comes to our mistakes than constantly reminding ourselces of our past failures... always keeping our focus on Jesus Christ and remembering that what He did on the cross enables us to move forward...

thanks again for your comment!

Professor Howdy said...

Thank you!

Dr. Milton Mulher da Sujeição, Ph.D
Harvard & M.I.T. Emeritus

smith said...

Really nice blog, interesting post
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