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My blog is personal. It's real. It's about me. It's about life's struggles. It's about amazing grace. Relentless hope. Second Chances. True Recovery. It's my journey. Thanks for joining me!


May 8

It's worth repeating that we should never "settle for less than a living, breathing, walking, talking relationship with the King of Kings Himself, when it's part of our inheritance"

There have been times in my journey with Christ that I have read John 10:10 about how CHrist came to give us abundant life--life to the fullest, and I have thought to myself..."My life doesn't seem so abundant...so why is God not making my life abundant?"

After questioning God about why He has caused my life to be a struggle instead of a success, a headache instead of a happy adventure...I realized my life was not so abundant because of me...not God.

I had settled for serving God...doing the ministry...working for Jesus...and not having a vibrant relationship with Him!  It became a job to serve the Lord, instead of a joy that flowed out of my relationship with Him...

Have you settled on just being a churchgoer?  Just working for the Lord, but not walking in a close relationship with Him?  Then life may feel like a drudgery to you as well...

Breathe a breath of fresh air today...and start to pursue a "living, breathing, walking, talking relationship with the King of Kings"...after all, that is what Christ died for...so you could have an abundant life!


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