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My blog is personal. It's real. It's about me. It's about life's struggles. It's about amazing grace. Relentless hope. Second Chances. True Recovery. It's my journey. Thanks for joining me!


april 3

it's worth repeating that "building a good relationship at home is like building a wall: It's done brick by brick."

Relationships take time.  They take work.  They take blood, sweat, and tears.  They take energy. They require sacrifice.  And they only stay together if there is "unconditional, un-condemning, unselfish love".

We really find out whether or family relationships are strong enough when we face tough times.  Events, news, failures that would rip apart some families don't have to rip yours apart.  But today, think about if your relationships have roots.  Do you love unconditionally?  Do you forgive?  Do you talk to eachother?  Do you make time for each other?  Do you eat dinner together?  Do you pray together?

These are some questions to get you started... Decide today that your family relationships will have strong, deep roots, and pray together as a family to figure out how to get there.  Don't start by blaming the other members of your family for the current state of affairs.  Instead, take a look at yourself, and ask yourself how you can become the husband, wife, father, mother, son, daughter, sister, brother, that God wants you to be.

Today, start building up your family and refuse to waste any time tearing down your hard work.


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