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My blog is personal. It's real. It's about me. It's about life's struggles. It's about amazing grace. Relentless hope. Second Chances. True Recovery. It's my journey. Thanks for joining me!


friends to family

it's worth repeating that friends are the family you choose for yourself...

I have so many amazing friends! I am so thankful for the people God has put in my life...

As I am preparing to leave Bowling Green to go to Delaware, Ohio, the hardest part for me are the people that I am leaving behind. The friends. The students. The pastors. The pastor's wives. The moms from momtime.

Tonight, we went as a family to an 8th grade football game where one of our students was playing quarterback, and one was a cheerleader. Everytime I see our students, I am so proud of them. I get sad because I want to be around to see more of their lives and see how the chapters will unfold.

Today, I texted a friend who told me that she is just having a hard time with me leaving. I know how she feels. I am having such a hard time leaving, knowing that spontaneous coffee runs, and midnight movies, and late night dairy queen cravings will be no more. I will miss seeing her at church and at momtime, and at softball games, and everywhere. Someone asked me the other day if we were sisters. Biologically, we're not, but as far as being tied together, we are definitely sisters!

Another friend gave me a song that reminded her of me, and I have listened to it over and over to feel the encouragement...

Tonight, my mother (in-law), emailed me to let me now she is praying for me, and it meant the world to me to know that she is thinking of me during this time...

People keep me going... God has put some of the best people in the world in my life... my husband. my kids. my family. my friends.

Don't forget to tell someone how much they mean to you tonight... it will probably make their day and help them get through whatever they are facing.


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