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My blog is personal. It's real. It's about me. It's about life's struggles. It's about amazing grace. Relentless hope. Second Chances. True Recovery. It's my journey. Thanks for joining me!


it's worth repeating that one person can make a difference...

yesterday, i watched the movie "Amazing Grace"... yes, i watched an entire movie..two of my children were gone for the day...i did have to rewind it a few times though to catch some parts that i missed because of loud toys or diapers that needed changed, but i did get through the WHOLE thing!!

anyway, it was an incredible work on the life and significance of William Wilberforce. Wilberforce was a political man with spiritual ambitions to end the slave trade in Britain. He worked toward this goal for years without seeing any results...he gave up...he got sick..disappointment, despair set in... but God gave him the grace and strength to see His purpose fulfilled. And because he continued to persevere, the British slave trade came to a halt!!

do you ever feel like you can't make a difference because you are only one person?? do you ever feel like nobody is listening to you??

there are causes in my mind that are worth fighting for...abused children, abortion, battered women, prayer in public schools...but i hear this voice mocking me, saying "who would listen?" and "what could you really do?".

if you have ever felt this way, i encourage you to watch this movie and be encouraged once again that one person can make a difference..

someone once said that you and God are always a majority!!!


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